
Amphodontogram: what is it and why is it needed?

An amphodontogram is a dental examination method that allows you to determine the condition of the teeth and their roots. This method is used to diagnose diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as to determine the causes of pain and discomfort in the oral cavity.

How is amphodontography performed?

To carry out an amphodontogram, a special apparatus is used - an amphodontograph. It allows you to get an image of teeth and roots on a monitor screen.

Before starting the study, the patient must undergo preparation. The doctor cleans the teeth of plaque and tartar, and also performs professional teeth cleaning. Then the patient sits in a chair and opens his mouth. The doctor applies a special gel to the teeth, which improves visibility on the screen.

After this, the doctor begins to conduct research. He moves the amphodontograph over each tooth and takes pictures. As a result, the doctor receives a clear image of the teeth and roots, which can be used for diagnosis.

Why is an amphodontogram needed?

An amphodontogram can help determine the causes of pain in the teeth and gums, as well as identify diseases of the teeth and gums. For example, it can show the presence of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and other diseases.

In addition, the amphodontogram allows you to determine the quality of tooth filling and root canals. This can be useful for those who want to correct defects in their teeth or install new crowns.

In conclusion, we can say that the amphodontogram is an important method for diagnosing teeth and gums. It helps to identify diseases and defects of teeth, as well as determine the quality of fillings and root canals.

An amphodontogram is a photographic image of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, which represents a projection of each tooth onto a plane. The result appears before the eyes of the dentist, which allows you to diagnose a number of dental problems. The study allows us to identify disorders associated with occlusion, occlusion, the condition of the hard tissues of the tooth and other important elements of the tooth.

To conduct this study, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory activities. In particular, the patient will be required to maintain good oral hygiene. Secondly, the dentist selects the position of the heads of their teeth in 3 projections for analysis. Most often, these images are used in direct, lateral profiles and sections transversal to the teeth. After generating the information, the dentist makes an interpretation of the study. The study is performed to evaluate cranial jaw development, joint and tooth movement, enamel wear, and other changes.