
The scientific meaning of the term “anorchism” describes the absence of the sex glands and the reproductive system as a whole in the human body. This diagnosis is made when the patient has at least one of the following conditions:

absence of both gonads (testes and ovaries); various forms of cryptorchidism (one or both gonads are underdeveloped and are located in the inguinal canal or abdominal cavity); aplasia of the genital organs with normal development of secondary sexual characteristics. In Russia, the term anorchism is applied to diseases that require referral to an endocrinologist: Lack of primary production of hormones by the ovaries. The diagnosis is made either after surgery to remove the gonads, or is discovered in case of infertility during attempts at artificial insemination. The condition is diagnosed after an x-ray and consultation with a therapist. In addition, the condition occurs with idiopathic gynecomastia, a pathology of breast development in boys. In this condition, a prostate tumor may be present. Down syndrome. Other reasons. Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (decreased testosterone levels) is caused by a violation of the formation of the testicle (or both) in the uterus during embryonic development, so the boy has only one gonad (often an underdeveloped testicle). In this case, defects of the genitourinary system, underdevelopment of the external genitalia, and sometimes unhealthy sexual desire are usually possible. Sexual desire can be perverted. In addition, disturbances in the development of the breast and bones are possible. The syndrome is treated by surgeons, and therapy can be long-term. The prognosis depends on the adequacy of treatment, the general condition of the child and the presence of other pathologies. Hormonal imbalance at birth. Causes cryptorchia and abnormal