Anatomical Snuff Box

An anatomical snuff box is a pocket in a vest that allows you to store cigar butts so that you don’t have to look for an ashtray every time you enter or leave a room. Unlike a regular snuff box, which is a small pocket with a built-in lighter, anatomical snuff boxes perform several functions and are a practical accessory for any person who smokes but does not want to depend on tobacco. One visit to the doctor and you will already have such an unpleasant impression: on the spot you will easily be diagnosed with “chronic bronchitis of a smoker.” An accessory such as an anatomical cigarette case solves several important problems at once, namely:

1. The ability to always have your favorite cigarettes at hand; 2. Safety while smoking, it is much better and more convenient to smoke without taking off your gloves than to constantly rummage through your pockets; 3. Easy to care for, the pack of cigarettes lies flat and the accessory itself looks very neat; 4. You can take with you anywhere several packs of cigarettes that you knew about in advance, now you can safely forget about plastic packaging and always carry them with you; 5. And the anatomical portier can protect against the harmful effects of the environment; even the most heavy smoker remains protected from the harmful effects of substances on the body that come from outside.

It is known that this problem concerns not only us men, women often inhale harmful substances when they smoke indoors, many women smoke for this reason, they enjoy holding a cigarette in their hand, smoking in the kitchen, in a car or at home. Cigarette cases have become an indispensable item for those who want to pay special attention to their appearance and health. When purchasing anatomical tobacco, it is suitable for daily use for those who find it difficult to quit the habit and try to switch to more natural and environmentally friendly products. This can be either a child or an adult, it all depends on the person himself. If you have not yet acquired this accessory, then you definitely should. The modern tobacco industry produces special types of tobacco that cause minimal harm to the body. Smoking them is not dangerous. Instead of such ordinary whitefish, the production offers:

- sigiki, - cigarini, etc. These cigarettes are similar to regular cigarettes, but they contain only nicotine, without harmful substances such as tar. By purchasing such new products, you can protect yourself and eliminate the risks of chronic lung diseases. Overall, the choice is yours! But we definitely recommend using an anatomical cigarette case.