Aneurysm Limited

Aneurysm limited
Aneurysm limited (a. circumscriptum)

- an aneurysm localized in one half of the vascular bed and not spreading to the other half.

Aneurysms are limited. Aneurysms located in one half of the vessels are called limited. They are small aneurysms that occupy one or two thirds of the vascular wall and are usually localized in any one organ or segment of the vascular system.

A limited aneurysm (limited aneurysm) is a congenital defect in the inner lining of a vessel that produces oval or rounded localized areas of thinning. In patients with a limited aneurysm, when probing in the femoral or other visceral arteries, weak filling of the pulse waves is noted. Between the aneurysmal areas and the surrounding normal tissue, elastic material is preserved.

Confined aneurysms are characterized by low blood flow rates in the presence of signs of damage to the arterial wall (atheromatosis). The formation of a limited aneurysm occurs during pregnancy: the fetus develops multiple defects of elastic tissue in the muscular layer of the visceral layer of the abdominal aorta, and therefore the blood flow through it is weakened. This leads to dilation of the ductus arteriosus and an aneurysm develops. Most often, the development of these defects occurs at the very beginning of the second half of intrauterine development of the fetus.

Clinical manifestations can be different, usually observed: Arterial hypertension can be manifested by worsening asthma, migraines, headaches, palpitations, pallor of the sclera, general weakness, fever, anxiety for life and death. Hypotension develops with a decrease in blood pressure: dizziness, darkness in the eyes, weakness and malaise. Sometimes there is a lack of physical signs of changes within the vascular system - subjective complaints. In this case, the aneuryma is diagnosed by chance, detecting it during an ultrasound examination. In this case, restriction of blood flow is observed in one or two terminal arteries (most often the carotid and femoral), but clinical symptoms in rare cases are not observed. Symptomatic aneurymas are a resistant form of the disease, since such patients often seek medical attention only after the recurrence of a critical situation.