Aneurysm Varicose

In recent years, varicose aneurysm has become one of the most common complications of chronic venous insufficiency. Most often it occurs in people suffering not only from varicose veins of the deep veins of the leg, but also from thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins and their combination.

The exact reasons for the development of varicose aneurysms in most patients are unknown. It is believed that its development is influenced by disturbances in the functioning of lymphatic vessels, valve mechanisms and microcirculation. In addition, all these processes increase the risk of thrombosis, which can provoke the formation of an aneurysmal cavity.

As varicose veins progress, blood begins to pool in the aneurysm and causes symptoms to progress. In patients with varicose veins, the structure of the altered veins is disrupted and their vascular tone changes. Because of this, enlarged veins are unable to withstand blood pressure - resulting in large areas filled with blood flowing through the veins. Enlarged veins appear - the so-called varicose veins or vein aneurysm. This condition of the circulatory system disrupts the ventilation process of soft tissues, leading to their swelling and the formation of trophic ulcers in severe cases. Particular attention should be paid to patients with signs of varicose aneurysts. If chronic venous insufficiency is observed, it always progresses, and the chances of aneurysms increase. It is recommended to operate on the formed aneurysm, since if complications progress, irreversible inflammation of the blood clot may develop, which can break off and block the arteries, causing heart failure. If the disease is detected late, then perhaps the only treatment is amputation of the limbs. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health from a young age in order to protect yourself and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications of varicose veins, such as an aneurysm.