There is probably not a single adult who did not play snow angel as a child. Show your child how to lean into the ground, then fall back into a snowdrift and flap your arms and legs in the snow as if you were flying; the snow will stick around the baby, and his clothes will be snow-white and angelic, and his hands will look like wings. Then help the baby carefully stand up without destroying his angelic form. Newly fallen snow is a beautiful fluffy bed, and children love, lying on it, as if floating in the freshness of a sunny winter day. If playing angels is no longer new to your family, try creating other snow images with your child that resemble different animals. Perhaps your son can figure out how to lie on one side and bend his arm so that the trail behind him looks like an elephant's trunk, or the child can stand on all fours in the snow and imagine that it is not his, but a horse's legs in the snow, but himself he is a horse.