Angiitis Hypersensitivity

Angiitis is inflammation of blood vessels. Vascular disease in angiitis is localized in most cases in small vessels (for example, cerebral vessels). Angiitis refers to many different diseases of the body, which are characterized by inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and blood vessels. In all these cases, the permeability of the vascular wall increases, the ability of blood vessels to expand increases and their resistance weakens. Angiitis can be called a medium-sized inflammatory disease or a peripheral inflammatory process that does not have a clearly defined target organ.

Hypersensitivity in angitis are symptoms indicating that the patient's body is not functioning properly

Article about “Angiitis Hypersensitivity”

Introduction Angiitis Hypersensitivity, also known as Zika Virus Infection, is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases caused by the Zika virus. This virus attacks blood vessels and can cause serious complications in the human immune system. In this article we will look at the symptoms, causes and treatment of hypersensitivity angiitis.

Symptoms of supersensitivity angiitis The main symptoms of supersensitivity angiitis are:

High temperature Fever Headache Muscle aches Itching Skin rash The Zika virus attacks the human immune system, leading to severe consequences such as severe heart or brain disease. This disease is treated by an immunologist who can prescribe antibiotics and drugs to support the immune system.

Causes of hypersensitivity angiitis The cause of angiitis is the Zika virus, which is transmitted through mosquito bites. This virus not only causes allergies, but also severe inflammation of blood vessels. The Zika virus is widely spread by mating mosquitoes. They are carryover