Sore throat and abdominal pain

Sore throat is a delay in the passage of breath to the lungs and to the heart. This happens from many causes, such as drinking suffocating drugs or drugs made from poisons, or blood congealing somewhere in the insides. But sore throat, which we are now talking about, is a disease that occurs from a cause that arose in the respiratory organs themselves, close to the larynx: from a tumor, from the closure of the larynx, or from the inability of the force to move the instruments of inhalation of air. You know that a tumor creates a blockage and that the pressure of a nearby organ closes the passages of the neighboring organ. You also know that sometimes the muscles of the organs that make movements that draw air into the throat, that is, the muscles of the larynx, as we will say when describing their structure in the paragraph on breathing, cannot move these organs and perform their actions; this happens due to dryness of the muscles located in and near the larynx, or due to relaxation, spasm or some other damage. The animal is then unable to breathe, even if the passages are not closed. As for the closure of the larynx from pressure from a neighboring organ, it sometimes occurs as a result of a displacement inside the vertebrae located at the beginning of the neck due to a blow or fall, and this is incurable, or due to complicity due to a tumor in the muscles of the vertebrae, in their ligaments, in the muscles of the esophagus or in its ligaments, or due to some reason that pulls the larynx inward, as well as from the occurrence of a spasm in the larynx, because it pulls it inward. The worst of these cramps is dry. This also happens from other injuries related to nerve damage that predispose to angina. Most often, closure of the larynx occurs in children due to the softness of their ligaments. It is most dangerous when it occurs from damage in the second vertebra and above; if the damage happened in the wrong place, it is not so dangerous. The worst thing is when the damage occurs in the first vertebra, it is the strongest and most acute. Damage due to proximity includes what happens due to worms, we talk about this in the paragraph on difficulty swallowing.

As for the types of tumors, depending on the swollen organ, there are four of them. The tumor occurs either in those muscles that come out of the larynx and are directed forward and downward, so that the tumor is visible and redness is visible on the front of the neck, on breasts, in the area of ​​the sternum; either it happens in the muscles that also come out of the larynx, but in those that are directed backwards, or in the muscles of the esophagus, so that the swelling, the redness from it and its color are inside the mouth; sometimes it reaches the vertebrae and the spinal cord. Or the tumor occurs in the internal muscles of the esophagus and adjacent areas. It restricts breathing due to its proximity and is not visible to the eye. Or it happens in the internal muscles of the larynx and in the membrane lining it. This is the worst of the four, and it is also invisible to the eye. Sometimes there are two or three of these tumors at the same time. The cause of such tumors is the cause of all tumors. Some foods have the property of causing such tumors; such, for example, is clover. They say that the antidote to it is lettuce or chicory. Fullness of the whole body is not sometimes the cause of swelling, but on the contrary, the body is clean, but the excess is deposited in the organs adjacent to the organs of the throat and causes swelling. Such tumors are sometimes divided into varieties and said: these include tumors that are obvious to sight from the outside and obvious to sight if you look deep into the inside of the throat, as well as tumors that are not visible to the eye; some of them are in the esophagus, others are inside the larynx. They are noticeable only when the patient sticks out his tongue, having first opened his mouth wide, and the tongue is pressed downwards. Such tumors sometimes occur from blood, sometimes they occur from yellow bile, and often from mucus. Most often they cause suffocation due to the closing of the throat by a relaxed muscle. Mucous tumors are safe and can be cured quickly and easily, but sometimes they last forty days. Some mucous tumors are born from viscous, thick, cold mucus, and some from thin, hot mucus. When such mucus descends from the head, and in most cases it descends from the head, it can reach the lower muscles of the larynx, and swelling from thick mucus occurs in the upper muscles of the larynx, since it is heavy and descends with difficulty.

Less common are tumors in the throat from black bile; some say that they do not exist at all, for black bile rarely flows immediately from one organ to another. However, despite the rarity of such cases, the possibility cannot be ruled out that this will happen immediately or gradually and then cause suffocation. Sometimes this occurs due to the transfer of matter from a hot tumor. Under all circumstances, such tumors are malignant. Any tumor that causes suffocation either kills, or its matter moves, or the tumor collects pus and becomes purulent. Sometimes the inside of the breathing tube swells, but it does not lead to suffocation.

A bad sore throat that forces you to constantly keep your mouth open and stick out your tongue is called “canine sore throat.” It happens that this is the name for a sore throat from a tumor that has arisen in the internal muscle of the larynx, or this is the name for a sore throat from a tumor located in both types of muscles together, or this is the name for a sore throat that occurs due to displacement of the vertebrae. It happens that a sore throat turns into pneumonia if matter rushes towards the nerves; sometimes matter pours into the region of the heart and kills, and sometimes it pours into the stomach. Anyone who is stricken with a sore throat and dies is first seized with a cramp; “canine” sore throat often kills between the first and fourth days of illness. It happens that sore throat and similar diseases become more frequent in the spring if it is “winter”.

When a sore throat gets worse, it forces you to breathe through your nose, and you even try to help yourself by flaring your nostrils. Often you also have to straighten your chest, flaring your nostrils, and breathe quickly and often, if you have the strength and if the respiratory organs lack the ability to breathe. Sometimes tonsillitis occurs with non-intermittent fevers; It often foreshadows smallpox. Also portends smallpox in fevers and

sore throat, even if there is no sore throat. The appearance of a sore throat during acute fevers is a very bad complication, because the need to breathe during a fever is great. If a sore throat occurs on the day of a crisis, then it is terrible and deadly: after all, a crisis in the presence of suffocating tumors inevitably kills.

Signs. Common symptoms for all types of tonsillitis: constricted breathing, a constantly open mouth, difficulty swallowing, to the point that sometimes the person suffering from tonsillitis wants to drink water, but it comes out of his nostrils, as well as bulging eyes. With severe sore throat, the tongue protrudes from the mouth and moves weakly, and sometimes this continues for a long time. The speech of such a patient is such that they say that a person speaks through his nostrils, although in reality this is not the case. After all, the patient to whom people usually attribute such speech has blocked nostrils, and he does not actually speak through his nostrils. As for the pain, it is not strong with a mucous and hard tumor and is strong with a hot one. If the pain intensifies, it happens that the entire neck and face swell and the tongue protrudes. Abkhazia is the safest when it is not difficult to breathe. The pulse of those suffering from tonsillitis at the beginning of the disease is frequent and uneven, then it becomes small and rare.

All types of sore throat from a tumor have this in common that the tumor is perceived either by sight or by touch, when the organs of the esophagus and larynx feel hard and tense. A person suffering from such a sore throat feels as if he wants to vomit.

With angina, due to the displacement of the vertebrae, the neck is pulled downwards, and in the place where the vertebrae have shifted, there is a depression; when palpated, it hurts, and if the patient lies on his back, what he wants to swallow does not go down the throat at all. The difference between shortness of breath with suffocation and shortness of breath with pneumonia is that with pneumonia one does not suffocate immediately, but with suffocation one sometimes suffocates suddenly. A tumor in the larynx differs from a tumor in the esophagus in that if swallowing is possible, but breathing is difficult, then the tumor is in the larynx, and if the opposite is the case, then the tumor is in the esophagus. Sometimes the swelling of the larynx increases so much that it becomes impossible to swallow, and sometimes the tumor of the esophagus increases so much that it becomes impossible to breathe. The only tumor that restricts breathing is the tumor of the esophagus that is located in its upper part; if it is lower, then this does not make breathing impossible, although it is difficult and constrained, because such a tumor cannot compress the pulmonary tube and its end so much that air does not enter it at all. When the tumor is in the esophagus and its internal muscles, it is not visible to the eye and strongly presses the tongue on the roof of the mouth. The difference between a malignant, incurable tumor and a less malignant tumor, which is located at the end of the esophageal muscle, although it is not visible, is that due to such a tumor, breathing is restricted only when swallowing. A malignant tumor is one that is located in the larynx and, when examining the throat, is completely invisible to the eye, neither outside nor inside, but, on the contrary, lies deep. Then comes the tumor, which is not visible from the inside, but is visible from the outside.

Malignant tonsillitis quickly begins to interfere with breathing; when the patient lies supine, he cannot breathe at all, and when he does not lie down, breathing is also difficult. He constantly cranes his neck, trying to breathe, rushes about, prefers to stand upright and cannot lie down. When the tightness of breathing and the need to expel smoky vapor reaches the point that the force of breathing drives liquid outward during breathing and foam appears on the patient’s lips, then there is no hope for him, and he should not be treated. However, it happens that a person suffering from a sore throat sometimes foams, but then still recovers. This happens when there is still strength and the urge to eat; when the patient’s face turns blue and the skin around the orbits of the eyes turns black, then she is on the verge of death. The same thing happens when the pulse becomes low, the extremities become cold and the tongue swells. Blackening of the tongue is one of the bad signs.

When a patient has a high fever with a malignant sore throat, it means that death is hastening towards him, because with a fever you need to breathe often. They sometimes talk about signs of imminent death like this: if a person suffering from a sore throat has changed the color of the back of his neck, and the usual redness has turned white or blue, and if cold sweat appears under his arms and groins, it means that he will die in one of the two next days. As for the signs that give hope, it is good if the redness protrudes; at the same time, the patient often opens his eyes and comes to his senses; the same thing if the breathing of patients changes and they take short breaths. The fact is that when the illness intensifies, he tends to breathe slowly in order to introduce air little by little; if the breathing becomes short, it means that the reason that required slowing down the inhalation has disappeared, and the organs have returned to their natural state. If the tumor also appeared on the opposite side, then there is also hope that it will resolve for the reasons that you know.

As for the signs of the transition of sore throat to another disease, they consist in the fact that there is a collapse and resorption of the tumor without opening to the outside and the patient’s condition is alleviated. You should also monitor the pulse: if it becomes wavy and full and a cough appears, it means that a sore throat turns into pneumonia; if the pulse is spasmodic, it means it turns into spasms. And if the pulse is very weak and has become short and rare, heartbeats have appeared, the innate warmth has dissipated and fainting has occurred, which means that the tumor matter is pouring into the heart. And if there is pain in the stomach and nausea, it means that matter has poured into the stomach. A sign of accumulation of pus is that the tumor exhibits some softness after the fourth day of illness. Sometimes with a sore throat, which causes redness on the neck and chest area, this redness then disappears. This occurs from two reasons: either due to the return of matter inward, or from the removal of matter. When the cause is the removal of matter, there is hope for recovery, and breathing becomes easy after this, but otherwise it is a bad sign.

Signs of a blood tumor are the well-known signs of excess blood, redness of the tongue, face and eyes, a sensation of the taste of blood, or sweetness, or a similar taste to strong wine, severe pain from tension, severe shortness of breath. Signs of a gall tumor are a feeling of burning and heat, severe melancholy, intense thirst, severe, burning pain, bitterness and dry mouth, insomnia. The constriction of breathing does not reach the degree of constriction resulting from the blood. A gall tumor is also indicated by the color of the tongue, burning and stinging in the swollen area, as if there was something caustic and burning there. The pain with a gall tumor is less than the pain with a blood tumor. Signs of a mucous tumor are saltiness or the taste of bavrac in the mouth with a feeling of heat and stickiness, because this mucus is spoiled and rotten. Sometimes a mucous tumor is indicated by the white color of the tongue and face, low thirst and weak burning. It happens that the tongue sticks out and is relaxed. With mucous tonsillitis, gland tumors rarely occur. There is little or no pain and there is no fever. The illness lasts up to forty days. If the patient tries, he can pass food into the throat, and this is because what is swallowed passes through the loose substance of the tumor. Signs of a black gall tumor are hardness, a sour and tart taste in the mouth, and that the tumor appears little by little. Sometimes it occurs by transition from a hot tumor. Signs of suffocation arising from dryness of the respiratory organs, whatever organs they may be, are a small amount of moisture in the mouth, and also the fact that hot water immediately helps with this, as it moisturizes and loosens. Know that a person sometimes has a constant sore throat for a year or two. This indicates that there is some excess fossilized in the throat area.