Angiomatosis [Angiomatosis; Angioma (Base Angiomat-) + -Oz; Son. hemangioma]

Angiomatoses are a synonym for hygromas and hemangiomas translated from Latin. In the first case, we mean excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues and cavities of the body, including subcutaneous fat, muscle, adipose tissue, intervertebral discs, joint capsule and other organs. The second form of angioma is a proliferative disease of the vascular system - they are separated in order to clearly understand the difference. That is, each of the diseases manifests itself differently - if angioma can often be confused with hemangioma, since they are related to each other, then with angimatosis, vascular proliferation occurs with the subsequent development of connective and fibrous tissue in the affected area.

Angiomatoses are a large group of skin diseases in which the normal functioning of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes is disrupted, which leads to the development of tumors with external signs such as redness, itching, soreness and discoloration. This disease is often called hemangima, although this is the same phenomenon