Angiopulmonography Selective

Pulmonary angiography is a research method that allows you to assess the condition of the vessels of the lungs and bronchi. It is used to diagnose various lung diseases such as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung cancer and others.

Pulmonary angiography can be performed in two ways: general and selective. General angiopulmonography involves injecting a contrast agent into the lungs, which allows you to see all the vessels of the lungs. This may be hazardous to the patient's health, as the contrast agent may cause an allergic reaction or other side effects.

Selective pulmonary angiography, or selective pulmonary angiography, is a safer research method. In this case, the contrast agent is injected only into those vessels that need to be examined. This reduces the risk of side effects and increases diagnostic accuracy.

Selective pulmonary angiography is used to diagnose pulmonary vascular diseases such as pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary vasculitis and others. It can also be used to determine the extent of lung damage in chronic lung diseases such as COPD.

In general, selective pulmonary angiography is an important method for diagnosing diseases of the lungs and bronchi, which allows one to obtain more accurate information about the condition of the pulmonary vessels. It can be used both for diagnosis and treatment of various lung diseases.

Angiopulmonology is a new direction in medicine that helps diagnose and treat diseases of the lungs and blood vessels. One diagnostic method is selective pulmonary angiography (also known as selective pulmonary angiography).

Selective angiopumulonagraphy is used to visualize the blood vessels of the lungs. During this procedure, the doctor injects a radiopaque contrast agent into the lungs, which makes the blood vessels visible on an X-ray. The doctor then uses a special machine to scan the lungs, which allows the blood vessels to be seen on a computer screen.

One of the advantages of selective angiopurmonagraphy is its accuracy. It allows you to diagnose lung diseases at the earliest stages, when they do not yet cause symptoms. In addition, this method allows you to determine the degree of vascular damage and select the most effective treatment method.

It is important to note that selective angipopumonology is an invasive diagnostic method that requires special preparation and implementation. Therefore, this method is recommended to be used only in cases where other diagnostic methods are ineffective or do not provide the necessary information.