
  1. In anatomy, an angle can represent different parts of the body where two lines or surfaces meet. For example, the angle of the eye is the outer or inner corner of the eye. The angle of the mouth is the junction of the upper and lower lips.

  2. In geometry, an angle is the degree to which two intersecting lines or planes diverge; the space between two such lines. The carrying angle is the obtuse angle formed by the forearm and upper arm when the forearm is fully extended and the hand is palm facing up.

Angle is a concept that is used in various fields of knowledge, such as anatomy, geometry, physics and others. In this article we will look at two basic angle values ​​and their applications.

In anatomy, an angle can refer to the junction of two body parts. For example, the angle of the eye is the outer or inner corner of the eye in which the angle of the lacrimal canal is located. The angle of the mouth is the junction of the upper and lower lips. In anatomy, angles can be used to determine various parameters and characteristics of the body.

In geometry, an angle is the degree to which two intersecting lines or planes diverge. Angles can be either acute or obtuse. An acute angle is an angle that is less than 90 degrees, and an obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than 90 degrees. Angles are used in geometry to determine distances, areas, and volumes of shapes.

One example of the use of angles in geometry is the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. This theorem uses angles to determine the hypotenuse and legs.

Another example of the use of angles in geometry is trigonometry, which studies the relationships between angles and sides of a triangle. Trigonometry has applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, astronomy and others.

The carrying angle is the obtuse angle formed by the forearm and upper arm when the forearm is fully extended and the hand is palm facing up. The bearing angle is used in medicine to determine the normal position of the hand and can be used to diagnose various diseases such as arthritis.

In conclusion, we can say that angle is a concept that has wide application in various fields of knowledge. It is used to determine various parameters and characteristics, as well as to solve various problems and problems. Understanding angles and their applications can be useful in various professional fields and everyday life.

Angle (English angle; Latin angulus) - the numerical value (size) of the central or inscribed dihedral angle (that is, the angle between intersecting straight lines, containing a common point or straight line), measured in degrees, radians, degrees, minutes and seconds (depending from the adopted measurement system).

An angle is a geometric figure that is formed when two straight lines intersect. If two lines intersect as if at a corner, then it is called an angle. An angle can be defined as the portion of a plane contained between two rays that originate from a common point.

In geometry, an angle is a part of a surface or space bounded by two radii going around each other; accordingly, it is a special case of a circle. Also, angles are divided into types depending on the number of edges that make up the figure or set. For example, a triangle is formed by three angles, a quadrilateral by four angles, and so on. Unlike a circle, diamond or square, an angle does not have a length measurement, nor can it be added to itself; lines must be drawn to obtain it. But this parameter allows us to draw a conclusion about the size of the area inside the corner. Based on the types of angles, they can be classified into central and inscribed angles. The first appears when using a circle, the second angle is created using tangents drawn at one of the points of the figure, in this case the circle. The central angle is equal to half the angle, which is the value of the rotated angle between one radius and the second straight line by which it is supported. The resulting result is called a degree measure or radian angle, depending on the chosen method for determining the numerical value. The radian unit is measured in radians: 1 radian = 57.296°. In this case, the value of ½ θ °(°) is calculated by the formula: sin 0/2= tan θ/2 = √2 sin θ. A circle is used to measure angles. It is used for a variety of purposes: in construction, architecture, design and decoration. To calculate pi, special structures were used, such as an arch and a circle, where the value of a given angle is rounded and the number 3.14159 is obtained from the calculation. Thus, the values ​​of π almost coincide with the calculation results.