
Anistreplase is a fibrinolytic drug that contains a complex of streptokinase and plasminogen. The drug is prescribed by injection to treat coronary thrombosis.

The mechanism of action of anistreplase is the breakdown of fibrin, which forms blood clots in the coronary arteries. This leads to restoration of blood flow and reduction of myocardial ischemia.

Possible side effects when using anistreplase:

  1. Local bleeding at the injection site
  2. Slow heart rate
  3. Rush of blood to the face
  4. Decreased blood pressure
  5. Feeling hot
  6. Nausea, vomiting
  7. Allergic reactions

Anistreplase is marketed under the trade name Eminase. The drug is used for emergency treatment of acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation.

Anistreplase is a fibrinolytic drug that contains a complex of streptokinase and plasminogen. Prescribed by injection for the treatment of coronary thrombosis.

The mechanism of action of anistreplase is to activate the fibrinolytic system of the blood due to the conversion of plasminogen into plasmin, which in turn destroys fibrin clots and thrombi.

Possible side effects when using anistreplase:

  1. Local bleeding
  2. Slow heart rate
  3. Rush of blood to the face
  4. Lower blood pressure
  5. Feeling hot
  6. Nausea, vomiting
  7. Allergic reactions

Anistreplase is available in the form of a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration. The trade name of the drug is Eminase.

Nowadays, science has made incredible strides that have given people a better chance of living a long and healthy life. But, unfortunately, some diseases and injuries still pose a serious threat to human health. One such disease is coronary thrombosis, a condition in which a clot forms in the blood vessels where blood is transported to the heart, which can lead to blockage of the arteries and poor blood supply to the heart.

To treat this condition, anistreplase is prescribed, a fibrin pharmaceutical drug that contains a combination of drugs such as streptokinase and plasminogen. Anistreplase is given through an injection and this gives them a fast-acting and effective treatment to break up the blood clot at the site.

One of the most important side effects of Anistreplasma treatment is the risk of bleeding. This is due to the fact that the drugs help to destroy blood clots, which sometimes contain components of clotted blood, thereby creating the threat of bleeding from the vessels. In particular, local bleeding may occur at the injection site, which usually resolves on its own.

Some other side effects may also occur, such as a slow heartbeat, a feeling of heat in the body, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms usually occur within the first few hours after the drug infusion. Such symptoms can be eliminated by simply resting and taking anti-inflammatory medications.

The risk of allergic reactions is also possible when it comes to treatment with Anistreplasm. Anyone who is allergic to medications containing streptokinase or plasminogens should discuss with a doctor before starting treatment.

Eminase, also known as Anistreplase, was first developed in