
Anti-Darwinism is a belief system that denies biological evolution and the doctrine of natural selection. This can manifest itself in various fields, including medicine. In medicine, anti-Darwinism is manifested by the denial that the human body's reactions to various external factors are evolutionarily determined.

One reason for anti-Darwinism in medicine may be distrust of scientific research that supports evolutionary theory. Some people may believe that scientific research can be distorted or misinterpreted, and that evolutionary theory is not an accurate description of the development of the organic world.

Additionally, anti-Darwinists may reject the idea of ​​natural selection, which is the basis of evolutionary theory. They may believe that natural selection has no significance in the development of the organic world and that all organisms were created at the moment of their appearance.

Overall, anti-Darwinism is a complex belief system that can have various causes and manifestations. It can cause disagreement and controversy in scientific circles and society at large.

Denial of Darwinism is a serious problem in the modern world. Currently, more and more people are abandoning the idea of ​​evolution and natural selection. In the past, Darwin's idea that the organic world develops gradually was very popular. However, now more and more people deny this theory and believe that life appeared instantly and without any changes.

Anti-Darwinism is a belief system that views the development of the organic world without biological causes and evolution. This can lead to misunderstandings and false interpretations of ongoing processes. Instead of focusing on the causes of evolution, anti-Darwinists use various theories about how all life came into existence overnight.