Facial hemiatrophy Progressive

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Facial hemiatraphy is a progressive skin disease that can lead to serious consequences.

The development of this disease can occur at any age. At the same time, the skin becomes dry, loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled. This problem can be caused by a number of factors such as genetic, endocrine, neurological or autoimmune diseases

Progressive facial hemiatophysia is a rare disease manifested by priotic atrophy of the muscles of the face and head. Progression of the disease rarely occurs before age 38. This disease has common features with Parry-Richardson syndrome: a congenital absence of facial muscles. There is a connection with maternal heredity in men and maternal - paternal heredity in women - 2nd syndrome. In 50% of cases, there is a hereditary myotonic dystrophy of a creative nature, developing before the first 7 years of life. In the second and third decades of life, rapid and slow progression of atrophy is observed. Severe chronic progression of atrophy stops after 40 years.