Anti-radiation protection

Anti-Radiation Protection

Radiation is one of the most dangerous types of radiation that can negatively affect human health and the environment. To protect yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous impact, it is necessary to use radiation protection.

This concept includes several activities aimed at ensuring the safety of the population from radiation hazards. Anti-radiation effects determine the normal functioning of all body systems and reduce the risk of cancer. The main methods of ensuring radiation safety are:

- Sanitary and hygienic control of the state of the natural environment; - Monitoring of the biosphere in the area of ​​radiation contamination; - Organization of management of the radiation-hygienic safety procedure at an industrial enterprise. - Study of quality characteristics of the environment and rational use of natural resources; - Training in radiation hygiene; - Development and use of regulatory and methodological support for anti-radiation monitoring; - Creation of a public health risk management system;

Doctors have come to the conclusion that human exposure to radiation does not occur without consequences. Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules of radiation protection and use all personal protective equipment. Radioactivity knows no days off or days off, so you should be prepared for anything!