Mediastinotomy Transsternal Transverse

Mediastinotomy is a surgical operation in which the mediastinal pleura is incised. In this case, part of the pleural layers may be removed, or they may be preserved. This intervention can be performed either open or laparoscopically.

Mediastinotomy can be performed for various diseases and conditions, such as:

– tumors of the mediastinum;
– chest injuries;
– purulent processes in the mediastinum;
– lung diseases (pneumothorax, hemothorax);
– foreign bodies in the mediastinum.

With transsternal transverse mediastinotomy, the pleural membrane is dissected at the level of the sternum. This allows access to organs and structures of the mediastinum, such as the trachea, esophagus, vessels and nerves.

The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The time of the operation depends on the complexity of the disease, but usually ranges from 1 to 2 hours.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital from several days to a week, depending on the severity of the disease. During this time, he must remain in bed to avoid complications.

Overall, mediastinotomy is a safe and effective procedure that allows access to the mediastinum and treatment of diseases and injuries.

Mediastinotomy is an operation to cut or separate the overlying parts of the chest. The types of mediastinoma are: Medial (middle thoracic), Lateral (lateral) and Diaphragmatic (below the diaphragm). Separation of the mediaster (middle zone of the chest) is performed to access the organs of the pleura, pericardium, large vessels, or to intervene in their structures. In addition, the mediastinal localization of organs becomes the starting point of many operations on the mediastinal organs. Among them: ligation of blood vessels, mediastenectomy (removal of affected areas of the lung, mediastinal lymph nodes) for lung cancer, removal of tumors from adjacent anatomical structures.

Transsternal mediastinoma is a method of direct surgical intervention. Transsternal access for mediastinomas provides wider access to the upper thoracic outlet compared to anterior and posterior approaches to the mediastinum. Direct access in this case will be all types of radical sternotomas, only this method is used for certain types of surgical interventions, such as: thoracoscopic operations with transthoracic connection, operations on the pericardium, chemotherapy of mediastinal tumors, pneumomediastinum. Laparoscopic surgery, Cardiac surgery, Installation of transplantation systems. Access is between the costal cartilages both anteriorly and posteriorly. It is used in cardiac surgery because it allows you to safely examine and operate the heart, despite the violation of its position: transposition options, where the heart is located opposite the right subclavian artery, bidirectional fixation of the heart on the left side, anomalies of the coronary artery, etc.