Cache Valley virus

Coxsackie D virus in the Kas Valley and its impact on human health and public safety

Since the beginning of 2016, the world has been gripped by an epidemic of the highly pathogenic Coxsackie-D10 virus, which causes a febrile illness in humans and monkeys and is transmitted through poorly washed vegetables and fruits. These are mainly countries such as Turkey, Spain, Greece (Uganda and Congo), California, Idaho, Georgia, Kentucky, North York, North Carolina, etc. Scientists have named the disease "Cash Valley virus" after the Cash Valley where cases of the disease were first discovered. After analyzing the infection picture, it was possible to determine the main regions of the spread of the disease. Thus, **the epicenter of the disease, according to** experts, is the Eastern Mediterranean region, as well as part of South Asia. In total, almost 1,000 were infected