Antianemic Agents

Antianemic drugs are substances that can reduce iron deficiency in the body. This condition refers to a low level of red blood cells (erythrocytes). What happens under pathological conditions? When the synthesis of hemoglobin decreases, its amount in the blood decreases significantly, so the immune system is greatly weakened, the brain receives oxygen worse, and poor tissue nutrition is observed. But the deficiency of blood cells is compensated by their production by the bone marrow. Therefore, in a blood test for hemoglobin level, you can see an increased level of reticulocytes

**Anti-anemic drugs** are medications that are used for various anemias and help in the fight against insufficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. Such drugs can be prescribed both for pathological processes in the hematopoietic system of the body, and for a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals responsible for the production of hemoglobin. Let's consider the main of these medicines:

**Erythropoietins (EPO)**

Erythropoietin is obtained from human serum, from blood plasma, as well as from some species of mollusks and frogs. Erythropoies stimulate the appearance of red blood cells and normalize hemoglobin levels in patients suffering from various forms of chronic anemia. EPO is used to treat: - Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) - Iron overload anemia - Strongyloid anemia and hematological malignancies

EPO is most effective for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), a refractory severe form of chronic anemia caused by many different factors.

The main substance for the production of erythropoiesis is based on serum or whole blood of cattle and goats. A number of studies demonstrate that human albumin can be used to produce recombinant erythropoietic hormone, but the pharmaceutical companies that make EPO ignore this step. Probably due to the difficulty of purifying the drug and pricing.

The use of erythropoietuin in doses up to 500 IU per m2/h can increase hemoglobin levels for 3-7 days. This period of time can lead to a significant improvement in the patient’s condition. However, the hemoglobin concentration will be at a stable level after 14-21 days. It has not been established whether there is a significant correlation between hemoglobin concentration and multiple red blood cell transfusions. To obtain a beneficial effect on the health of a patient with IDA, such a transfusion is usually required. Erythropoietin has no specific pharmacological properties, as well as for other types of anemia.

Currently commercially produced EPOs are capable of maintaining their biological activity for approximately 3 months. Transportation should be carried out in a refrigerator at a temperature of + 2-8 °C in