
Antistax: an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of chronic venous insufficiency

Antistax is a pharmaceutical drug developed in Switzerland and belonging to the group of angioprotectors. It comes in the form of capsules containing 180 mg of dry red leaf grape extract as the active substance. Antistax is produced by the pharmaceutical company Farmaton S.A. in Switzerland.

The main use of Antistax is the prevention and symptomatic treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in combination with varicose veins. Chronic venous insufficiency is a disorder characterized by insufficient function of the venous valves and poor circulation in the lower extremities. This condition may include swelling of the lower extremities, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs, a feeling of tension, paresthesia (changes in sensation) and pain.

Antistax has a positive effect on venous circulation, improving microcirculation and toning the vein walls. This helps reduce swelling, eliminate the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs, and improve the general condition of patients with chronic venous insufficiency.

Antistax has several contraindications. It is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, since studies of the drug's effects on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted.

Possible side effects from using Antistax include allergic reactions. Interactions with other medications have not yet been studied, so it is important to inform your doctor about all medications you are taking before starting treatment with Antistax.

Instructions for use of Antistax recommend taking capsules orally at a dose of 180 mg once a day with meals. The duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the disease.

In case of insufficient or unsatisfactory symptomatic effect within 6 weeks of treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding other possible causes of edema.

Antistax is an effective and safe remedy for the treatment and prevention of chronic venous insufficiency. However, before starting to take the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions for use.


  1. Instructions for medical use of the drug Antistax®.
  2. Manufacturer's brochure.