Aphthae Intermittent Recurrent Chronic

Aphtha Intermittent Recurrent Chronic.

Aphtha (aptha, aphthous lesion) is an inflammatory skin disease that manifests itself in the form of characteristic painful inflammations (aphthae). Canker sores most often occur on the lips, oral mucosa, and around the mouth, but can also occur on other areas of the skin (such as the face, arms, and legs).

There are many reasons for the appearance of aphthae, including stress, infections, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or allergies. To treat aphthae, both home methods (for example, rinsing the mouth with herbs) and medications, vacations

**Aphtha Intermittent Recurrent Chronic** is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of painful and deep damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth or pharynx. It can be either chronic or recurrent, which means that periods of remission can be followed by periods of exacerbation. Intermittent Recurrent Chronic aphtha is treated by dentists or general practitioners. This article will tell you about this disease and its treatment.

**Aphtha** is a non-inflammatory formation on the surface of tissues, which is a defect in the epithelium (surface layer of the skin) in the form of a vesicle (round, polyhedron)