Moyona Method

"Moiona or the Moiona method is a relatively new and effective method for diagnosing and treating certain diseases, such as myopia - a dystrophic change in the eye muscle, accompanied by a pathological change in the shape of the eye. Already based on the name of the method, it becomes clear that its author is a famous Italian gynecologist of the 19th century - Moya (Me. myoj.).

The Moyona method is aimed at treating nodal eye diseases: myopia (myopia), astigmatism, strabismus, farsightedness, etc. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor determines three main zones of the eyeball: the zone, the peripheral zone, and the intraocular nodal nucleus. And if any pathological change is detected in any of these areas, the doctor decides on the method of treatment.

The method is based on the use of radiation therapy, which allows for effective and safe regulation of the eye nodes. Under the influence of rays, a progressive decrease in the size of the entire eyeball occurs while maintaining functional features. This procedure eliminates many corneal defects and improves vision. In addition, the use of radiation therapy often leads to stunting of eye growth in children under 7 years of age.

And although this method has not yet been fully studied, ophthalmologists unanimously confirm its effectiveness in eliminating a number of diagnostic eye diseases. It should also be noted that this method has one significant drawback. In order for the treatment results to be maximum, the doctor must have extensive experience in performing radiation diagnostics and know exactly how much energy and power is needed for this or that type of disorder of the ocular nucleus. Moreover, many doctors are inclined to believe that it is much easier and safer to use already known methods of treating ocular inflammation, such as local medicinal use of drugs, stimulation of vision using computer technology or the use of glasses for working at close range. But despite this, the moyona method deserves close attention, as it is a relatively safe and fast method of treating eye diseases.