
Country of origin - Canada

Pharm-Group - Antihypertensive drugs affecting the vasomotor centers of the brain

Manufacturers - Apotex Inc. (Canada)

International name - Clonidine

Synonyms - Barklid, Gemiton, Catapresan, Clonidine, Clonidine-M, Chlofazolin

Dosage forms - tablets 0.1 mg, tablets 0.2 mg

Composition - Active ingredient - Clonidine.

Indications for use - Hypertensive crises, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction in the acute period (in the absence of signs of cardiogenic shock and a concomitant increase in blood pressure), primary open-angle glaucoma with high and average levels of intraocular pressure, withdrawal syndrome of opium addiction (as part of complex therapy).

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity, cardiogenic shock, arterial hypotension, obliterating diseases of peripheral arteries, AV block II-III degree, sick sinus syndrome, depressive states. Restrictions on use: Pregnancy, breastfeeding (breastfeeding should be avoided), work requiring a quick mental or physical reaction.

Side effects - Dry mouth, constipation, weakness, drowsiness.

Interaction - The hypotensive effect is weakened by nifedipine. When used with antipsychotics, sedative symptoms are mutually enhanced, and severe depressive disorders may occur.

Overdose - Manifested by impaired consciousness, collapse; the state of acute poisoning is characterized by bradycardia, widening of the QRS complex, possible slowing of AV conduction and early repolarization syndrome. Treatment is symptomatic.

Special instructions - No data available.

Literature - Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003