
Apperception is the process of perceiving complex objects or their parts. Objects of the external world influence the human senses and are perceived by him in a certain sequence. This is due to the fact that a person has limited physical capabilities, so he cannot see, hear and perceive objects in their entire volume at the same time. However, by perceiving the elements of one thing or phenomenon sequentially, a complete image will be deposited in our memory. This process is similar to the perception of a separate photographic object: first we see faces in different parts of the photograph, then hands, and then we combine all this to obtain integrity.

To create a true masterpiece, it is not enough for a photographer to simply point the lens at a person or object. It is more important to analyze all personality traits. The same thing happens with a work of art: we are not able to fully capture the feelings and emotions of the creator, but we create an image based on bits of memories and characteristics of a person’s character.

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