Appetite Perverted

“Perverted appetite” is a condition in which a person has an abnormal craving for food and drinks that seem to taste good. This condition can occur as a result of certain psychological disorders or mental illnesses.

Often, perverted appetite is a symptom of another disorder. Such people may have

Perverted appetite, also pecatism - an eating disorder, an obsessive and unusual choice of food products that are harmful to health. Piccascism manifests itself in the form of an unmotivated addiction to the consumption of inedible objects. piccaism is an eating disorder in which a person experiences an urgent need to eat a wide variety of inedible objects; such a person often bites nails, soil, radiators, painted surfaces, walls, examines the contents of trash cans, has dirt, dirty food in his pockets, eats Styrofoam, pieces of glass, leather, coal, metals, dust or cement. The most common object they eat is asbestos gloves. At the same time, some can distinguish between colors: for example, they select red gloves, eat only green toilet paper, choose white rags: it becomes easier for such people if they see their undigested pieces remaining somewhere on their clothes. A number of eating disorders may include piccanism, but it is usually one symptom of an underlying eating disorder. Pikkabists never feel hungry, this desire is connected