Apraxia Premotor

Premotor apraxia is a motor dysfunction that occurs when the premotor cortex of the brain is damaged. It is characterized by the inability to perform complex movements that require prior preparation and planning.

The premotor cortex is responsible for planning and organizing movements, as well as coordinating movements between different muscles. When this area of ​​the brain is damaged, a person cannot start a movement, cannot coordinate their movements, and cannot complete a movement.

Premotor apraxia can occur in various diseases, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and others. Treatment for premotor apraxia depends on the cause and may include medication, physical therapy, and other treatments.

Apraxia is a pathology of the process of voluntary movement or motor (motor) activity. With this disease, as a rule, a person cannot make a purposeful movement or carry out a consciously planned action.

The movement may be incorrect, the wrong muscles are tense or weak, in short, a movement disorder in the entire limb is called akinesia

**Premotor apraxia** (from the Greek prḗ - before, before + motoris - motor) - a violation of purposeful voluntary action in the absence of impairments in understanding instructions, memory, thinking, although the physical ability to act in patients is preserved\n The patient’s voluntary motor reaction does not depend depending on the degree of significance of this movement, his conscious choice of direction of movement is impaired. Patients perform motor acts incorrectly and inadequately to the task, often replacing the complex process of its implementation with a simpler one. These symptoms are clearly detected when it is necessary to perform the friendly movements required by the task (reach out for an object under visual control and blindly - in a simpler case) or perform a complete act of manipulation according to the instructions: take out a pen standing on the table from under a chair, close the inkwell with a stopper, etc. . P.

As the instructions become more complex or time