Apraxia Kinesthetic

This article discusses such a mental disorder as kinesthetic apraxia. It is characterized by insufficient perception of information about body movements in space.

***Apraxia (aphasia)*** are movement disorders that arise as a result of damage to the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. This disorder is characterized by impairment of movements and actions carried out consciously. It may also be difficult to understand what to do when performing an activity.

If we talk about this particular disorder - ***kinesthetic apraxia***, then

Apraxia kinesthetic

Kinesthetic apraxia is part of a group of action disorders that are associated with personality development disorders, especially autism. The personality becomes insufficient at the very beginning of formation, and the perception of the surrounding reality is distorted. Autistic behavior is aimed at internal experiences, it is not connected with the emotions and feelings of others. Behavioral disorders develop gradually and appear as people grow older. A person develops psychological intolerance to the outside world, so he prefers to live separately.

A.K. Abeleva points out that the causes of akinesthetic apraxia are usually contained in a “pathophysiological situation, somatogenic or psychogenic.” As a result, a defect in the perception of the surrounding world is formed. The person focuses completely on himself. In a conversation with a psychologist, he calls himself by his child’s name, distorts his words and speaks an hour later. His movements become "maps", gestures and other movements. During a psychological conversation, you have to overcome a tough barrier in order to learn more about the patient and his life. During the session, a variety of physiotherapeutic techniques appear that can completely restore the patient’s speech. Faulty speech function consists of features that arise when facial features change. One eye becomes narrowed, the muscles of the body are in a tense state.

You need to be very careful in contacting this person, because one sudden or harsh word can cause an outbreak of irritation or hysterical behavior. Communication with him can be successful if you remain calm and do not have long conversations. Therapy is based strictly on laws based on methods developed abroad. The patient tries to participate in them, but he is so unpredictable that many sessions are cancelled. Even small tasks cause dissatisfaction in a person. Health workers and teachers are actively involved in therapeutic work.