Pharmacy cosmetics for aging skin

Many women use pharmacy face creams as an alternative to expensive branded cosmetics. After all, it is not always possible to buy an effective cream from a well-known manufacturer, which has gained fame as an effective remedy in the fight for youth and beauty due to its high cost.

Products of the middle and budget class do not always meet the high requirements of quality, efficiency and safety. No one argues that they can be used, but the expected results are not always achieved.

Pharmacy products are distinguished by affordable prices, proven quality and safety, since these products undergo strict control at many levels.

Efficiency of pharmaceutical products

Consumers have already managed to make a rating of face creams from the pharmacy, which have not only been tested according to all the necessary parameters, but have also received their assessment from the millions of women who have used them.

  1. Pharmacy cosmetics are used to treat such common dermatological problems as acne, acne, rosacea, and comedones. Many are actively fighting age-related changes no worse than hardware rejuvenation procedures
  2. Pharmacy products compare favorably with their “cosmetic counterparts” due to their balanced, well-chosen and safe composition. The principle of naturalness in creams is observed above all, but the presence of innovative substances of synthetic origin is absolutely harmless and justified.
  3. Combinations of moisturizing, nutritional and medicinal functions in pharmaceutical creams make it possible not to mask the problem, as usual cosmetics do, but to solve it at the root. That is, to influence the cause, and not to mask the consequences.

Important! All pharmaceutical cosmetics do not contain harmful synthetic components: fragrances, dyes, emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives. All of them can cause the development of an allergic reaction, even if up to this point the woman has not observed such a tendency in herself.

From all of the above, one conclusion emerges - pharmacy analogues of expensive anti-aging cosmetics are quite capable of coping with the problems of age-related changes, while providing a therapeutic effect on some dermatological phenomena.

Why do they have such a low cost?

Pharmacies are not cheap these days. Medicines are quite expensive. The question naturally arises: why are the creams in this establishment comparatively cheaper than their counterparts in cosmetic stores?

Let's think logically:

  1. a good pharmaceutical cream is a complex of substances that are simple in nature and do not require large production costs;
  2. fragrances and dyes are synthetic substances that have considerable cost. They are not used in pharmaceutical products;
  3. by and large, they were created as a “related product,” that is, the inventors did not set out with the sole goal of obtaining certain substances of a given spectrum. In the course of research, positive qualities were identified that also affect the processes of rejuvenation;
  4. Most of the products offered are medicines for completely different diseases, but due to their positive effects on cosmetic problems, they are successfully used in this industry.

Cheap and effective pharmaceutical creams are not a myth or a publicity stunt, as you understand. These funds are already in demand as medicine.

Important to remember. Before using any cream from a pharmacy, it is better to consult a dermatologist to eliminate the risk of side effects. Especially if you have a problem with your facial skin that your usual cosmetics cannot eliminate.

Rating of the best cheap analogues from the pharmacy

We will look at the best pharmaceutical face creams, but we will also pay attention to the non-trivial use of medicines that are intended to solve completely different health problems.

But before moving directly to the rating, let's look at what miracle drugs guarantee us:

  1. improving blood supply to tissues;
  2. regulation of the sebaceous glands and reduction of sebum production;
  3. delivery to the deep layers of the dermis of substances necessary for normal life (vitamins, macro and microelements);
  4. stimulation of the production of your own collagen and elastin;
  5. smoothing skin texture, minimizing wrinkles.

Along with this, deep hydration, nutrition, toning and getting rid of medical defects (acne, acne, pimples, dermatoses and others).

We advise you to look at the review of the best budget pharmacy products for skin beauty:


Among pharmaceutical face creams, the company's products take the lead in the segment of the best moisturizers. "Laura". The line of anti-aging products includes day, night and eye cream.


  1. phytoestrogens;
  2. peptide complexes;
  3. panthenol;
  4. fat and water soluble vitamin complexes;
  5. hyaluronic acid;
  6. antioxidants.

The skin becomes smooth, elastic, deeply hydrated, gets rid of flaking, and acquires a healthy and radiant color.

Cream F99 originally intended to combat eczema. For cosmetic purposes, it is used to eliminate pimples, acne, various types of rashes and peeling of the skin. The face becomes moisturized, the relief and tone are evened out. The skin becomes soft, velvety, and elastic.

Moisturizing pharmacy cream Pharmateiss cosmetics “Topping up vitamins” improves metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, moisturizes, prevents aging, evens out the tone and texture of the face.


Pharmacy creams in this segment are represented by a variety of products.

A simple and affordable product can replace expensive collagen ointments in pharmacies. retinoic ointment. This product is based on vitamin A, which is rightly called the “vitamin of youth”. It stimulates the production of its own protein compounds, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. After applying the code, it becomes soft, elastic, and toned. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, deep wrinkles are visually reduced.

Anti-stress product – pharmacy "Enterosgel".It is enough to apply a small amount of gel before going to bed, especially to the area around the eyes, and in the morning you will find in the mirror a beauty without bags or bruises under the eyes. If you treat the entire face, swelling goes away, the epidermis is cleansed of toxins, and is saturated with all the microelements necessary for normal life.

Lierak brand cream are highly efficient. They contain plant extracts. Moreover, exactly those parts of plants in which the activity of the components is the highest are used. Well nourishes the epidermis for any skin type. The texture of the cream is light, does not clog pores, absolutely hypoallergenic cosmetics.


Among all anti-aging products, the first place is rightfully occupied by drugs from the Vichy company. Although this is a cosmetology company, its products are positioned not so much as cosmetics, but as medicinal preparations for solving many problems.

Vichy Ultraleaf – the cream is unique in its composition. It contains plant extracts, oils and active ingredients of synthetic origin (absolutely safe for humans). Antioxidants provide reliable protection against negative environmental factors, help fight free radicals, and prevent age-related changes in the epidermis. The face becomes elastic, matte, fresh. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the overall relief is leveled. Moreover, the effect is noticeable after just a few days of regular use.

Regenerating face cream Bepanten. The basis of its composition is pantothenic acid. This is the second name for vitamin A, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin by enhancing regeneration processes at the cellular level. It has a calming effect on problem skin, nourishes epithelial tissues well, and stimulates internal metabolic processes. The face becomes elastic, elastic, acquires an even tone and relief, inflamed areas disappear.

From a series of extraordinary uses of drugs - "Tiogamma". The medication is used for drip administration and consists of pure alpha-lipoic acid. This is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals, effectively fights tissue aging, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out skin tone. You need to wipe your face with the solution twice a day for a week. Then a break for a month and the course can be repeated.

Attention! Suitable only for oily and problem skin, as it has a drying effect.

Facial ointments for wrinkles from the pharmacy are products based on vitamin A, E - “Radevit”, Heparin ointment, Solcoseryl.

What cheap facial care products are available at your nearest pharmacy? We advise you to find out how to save money and not pay twice!

The world's best brands offer you the most popular facial skin care products. Millions trust them!

If you have already crossed the age threshold of 40+, then pharmacy ointments will not help you. Read about effective care for aging skin by following the link.


Therapeutic face creams are best used after consultation with a specialist. After all, the effect will depend on which one you use.

The list of the best medicinal face creams can be quite impressive. But pay attention to contraindications, side effects and, of course, the indications. It is possible that you simply do not have them and then it will be useless to expect results.

"Tsi-Klim" - a domestic product that is indicated for women during menopause, when hormonal changes occur in the body, provoking changes in the epidermis. All processes malfunction, the production of vital substances slows down and age-related changes become very noticeable. The products contain phytoestrogens, plant extracts and vitamin complexes that moisturize, remove hyperpigmentation, and stimulate the production of own protein compounds in the dermis and epidermis. As a result, wrinkles are reduced, tone is evened out, and the face becomes elastic and velvety.

Curiosin gel designed to fight acne. But along with these qualities, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Namely: accelerating skin regeneration processes at the cellular level, deep hydration, strengthening blood vessels and eliminating traces of pigmentation. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles are minimized, and the oval shape is tightened.

Arnica ointment – based on a medicinal plant extract. Does not contain any chemical compounds. But it can cause an allergic reaction if you are hypersensitive to the flower or other components of the product. It fights rosacea well, eliminates spider veins by strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood flow in the epidermis and dermis.

For problem skin

For facial skin with certain problems, products with targeted action are used.

Ointment "Apilak" based on bee products (royal jelly, wax, propolis, honey). Effectively fights acne and oily skin.

Zinc ointment – a remedy for acne, pimples, oily skin, comedones. After it, it is recommended to use a moisturizer, as the ointment has a strong drying effect.

Heparin ointment – against swelling under the eyes, blue circles, rosacea. By improving blood microcirculation, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, especially in the area around the eyes.

Are you still not sure which cream to choose to amaze everyone with your radiant and youthful face?! Then read our article and go to the pharmacy - they will definitely help you.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. Agree that every woman dreams of prolonging youth and beauty for many years. Nowadays anti-aging cosmetics for the face are especially effective. This will be discussed in today’s article.

While preparing this article, I studied a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. And I was faced with a lot of contradictory statements. Some people believe that cheap cosmetics will not give any effect, while expensive ones are all hormonal and addictive. To understand all this, you need to understand how the means of different classes differ from each other.

Indications for the use of anti-aging creams

Indications for use are the appearance of the first signs of skin aging:

  1. the tone of the facial muscles decreases;
  2. age spots appear;
  3. dull complexion – it looks “tired”;
  4. due to the lack of fluid balance, the skin suffers from increased dryness;
  5. the corners of the mouth droop;
  6. wrinkles appear.

It is believed that the skin begins to age at about 25 years of age. But this does not mean that the morning after your 25th birthday you will wake up as an old woman. Aging is a gradual process. And it largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people have elastic and beautiful facial skin even at 40 years old. For others, wrinkles and other signs of aging actively appear already at 28.

The age at which you should start using anti-age cosmetics varies from person to person. Now even cosmetic brands write that you should not focus on age. Better look at the condition of your skin.

Composition of anti-aging cosmetics

All anti-age products can be conditionally classified into one of the following groups:

  1. cosmetics that stimulate the functioning of epidermal cells;
  2. products containing silicone components;
  3. “drugs” that smooth out pronounced facial wrinkles;
  4. cosmetics with a masking effect (foundation is present here).

Anti-aging cosmetics for men and women contain a certain set of ingredients. One of the components is hyaluronic acid. This ingredient increases turgor and helps moisturize the skin.

In addition, anti-age cosmetic products should contain vitamins. In particular, retinol is found here, which smoothes out wrinkles. Plus, vitamins C and E neutralize radicals.

Thanks to AHA and BHA acids, rapid renewal of the epidermis occurs. And the sun protection factor protects the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.


How to use

Even the most effective professional cosmetics will not work properly if used incorrectly. Apply the cosmetic product to a dry face free of makeup and impurities.

I am sure that the tips below will help you with this. Watch the video instructions from a cosmetologist.

And yet, the day cream has a light texture. It is quickly absorbed. Therefore, after application, wait about 10 minutes, and then remove the residue with a dry cloth.

The night cosmetic product has a thicker consistency. It should be applied 1-2 hours before bedtime. Then the unabsorbed residues must be removed with a napkin.

Serum is also often present in the anti-aging series. Usually the instructions for this product indicate that it should be used with a cream from this series. That is, first you need to carefully massage the serum into the skin. After 10 minutes, you should apply the cream; it enhances the effect of the serum and prevents the evaporation of the active ingredients.

To apply the mask, dermatologists advise using special brushes - this way you can spread a layer of the desired thickness. By the way, I have recommendations on how to make tightening masks. And yet, under no circumstances rub the mask in, it’s not a cream.

All cosmetics that are on sale can be divided into 3 groups. These are mass market products, pharmaceutical products for facial rejuvenation and professional cosmetics. I will describe the first two groups according to the brands of cosmetics they are looking for. I’ll have to write a separate post on professional cosmetics later.

Mass market cosmetics

Designed for the mass consumer. You can buy such products both in specialized stores and in a regular supermarket. This class includes most cosmetics sold through online sales.

These products belong to the lower and middle price segment. It is available to almost everyone. The rating is formed from inexpensive to more expensive and effective.

Black Pearl

There is a special series of “Self-rejuvenation” products. What can I say, the name is really loud. Anti-aging programs are divided by year - from 36 to 56 plus.

I’m impressed by the fact that they immediately offer a comprehensive approach to the problem - day + night + active serum. In products from 36 active ingredients are amino acids + vitamins E, C + oils. Hyaluronic acid and bio-peptides were added to products after 40 years (and after 50).

Of course, benefits are good, but it is important to make sure that there are no harmful ingredients in the composition. Unfortunately, these products contain methylparaben and ethylparaben, glycols, and silicones. According to reviews they write that it moisturizes well, but no special rejuvenation was noticed.

What I didn’t like was the packaging - everything is offered in cans. Tell me, how will you get a drop of cream? If you use your finger, you will spread the bacteria onto your face. Plus, due to the active influence of oxygen, the product has a shorter shelf life. Read the reviews and you will understand everything for yourself.

Nina: I bought the cream in the spring. I tried to use it as a daytime product. But he seemed a bit fat to me. Glistens on the face. I don't know, I wouldn't say it's a good option.

Lyudmila: I like the cream. But I only use it in winter, for summer it is greasy

Natalia: This cosmetics has a budget price. I used the cream from the self-rejuvenation +36 series. Until recently I thought that there would be a rejuvenating effect that was promised. But other than acne on my face, I didn’t see any effect.


This brand also takes a comprehensive approach to the problem of wrinkles. They offer a tandem of day and night creams Q10 plus. According to the information, the products increase the level of coenzyme and keratin in the skin from the inside. The daytime product also has SPF 15, which is an added bonus. This cream prevents the appearance of wrinkles caused by solar activity.

The cream has a light texture. It perfectly moisturizes and does not leave a greasy film on the face. Makeup goes on well with day cream. It contains shea butter, macadamia butter, and panthenol. But again I give a big minus for the packaging - you need to reach into the jar with your fingers or a spoon.

Maria: For nutrition and hydration 5+. The cream copes with these functions perfectly. Not noticed in the fight against wrinkles.

Tatiana: During the first 2 weeks of use, the peeling on the skin disappeared. I’m no longer “sixteen” at all and there are already two wrinkles on my forehead. After two months of using the cream, these wrinkles have not changed at all. They have not decreased, they have not shrunk, they have not disappeared, although the wrinkles are very shallow. But the manufacturer promised that the cream “visibly reduces wrinkles.”

“Collagen” series from Libriderm

This is a Russian manufacturer, but it tries to make high quality products. The company produces a whole series of anti-aging cosmetic products called Collagen. It contains elastin, collagen, rice and camelina oils, plus an antioxidant in the form of vitamin E. And if you also make alginate face masks, you will immediately turn into a 20-year-old beauty 🙂

The volume of the cosmetic product is 50 ml. The product has a plastic dispenser - it dispenses cream in portions. No harsh fragrances. The cosmetic product has a gel-like, delicate consistency.

Inna: I like this cream during the cold season, it’s good for smoothing out the skin and feels fresh. Apply it and after 10 minutes you will see the result. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a sticky, greasy film on the surface. In fact, this is the best cream I have tried.

Ksenia: Well, what can I say, after 20 days the skin became elastic. I can boast that the wrinkles have smoothed out a little)))

Olga: This is something, I didn’t expect such a wonderful result! Wrinkles have become barely noticeable, and the nasolabial lips are more elastic. The cream for the face, neck and décolleté really works.

Series "Renergie Multi-Lift" from Lancome

Cosmetics from this line provide deep lifting to all facial areas. The manufacturer does not link anti-aging care to a passport. It encourages you to focus on the needs of the skin. If you have wrinkles, an unclear oval face, or want to give your skin elasticity, this product is for you.

According to reviews, the series of products is gaining advantages. Before application, it is recommended to do light facial exercises, such as Japanese massage. But they write that it is better to use these creams in autumn and winter. Because they have a denser texture. The downside is that at this price you would expect a spatula to be included with the cream for scooping up the product.

Svetlana: After 3 weeks of use, skin elasticity has noticeably changed. The color evened out a little, there is a tendency towards seasonal pigmentation. The cream is instantly absorbed.

Rome: Although the consistency of the cream is thick, it is not felt on the face. The product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The face looks fresher and younger))

Lyuba: The product perfectly moisturizes dry skin. In the morning I fall asleep without feeling tight. But I don’t understand the elevator effect.

Pharmacy cosmetics

These are not medicinal ointments that we are used to buying in pharmacies. This cosmetics was created to care for the sensitive skin of dermatological patients. The product also has a certain therapeutic effect. Pharmacy cosmetics occupy the middle “niche” between mass market and luxury cosmetics.

However, now some cunning companies have begun to actively promote their products through pharmacies. Now the assertion that pharmacy products are better than mass-market products is no longer relevant. Nowadays, pharmacies often sell the same things as in a cosmetic store or supermarket. This is how marketing defeated good 🙁

Cream Laura

A striking example of marketing cosmetics from the Evalar company. Contains peptides + hyaluronic acid. They say that even collagen injections can replace it. Suitable for 30 years old. It should be applied both morning and evening.

But the ingredients included the controversial emulsifier triethanolamine. Dermatologists do not recommend using it in creams. It is only allowed in products that are washed off the skin. The potential for adverse effects on the skin is too high.

Anna: I have never suffered from allergies, but after the cream Laura broke out in a rash. The second time I applied it, tears flowed freely. I took a 2-day break. I applied the same parsley again - my eyes watered.

Veronica: The wrinkles were and remain. For some reason, several pimples appeared, but in the end the appearance of the skin did not improve at all ((

Kate: The product is light, smells good, feels pleasant on the skin. But the expression wrinkles did not disappear.

Cream Astin

I can’t say anything about this miracle cream for 180 rubles. Interestingly, the manufacturer’s website does not contain the full composition. Only an indication of the most important component of ataxanthin. It is an antioxidant obtained from the microalgae Hematococcus. And it is 550 times better than vitamin E. But the reviews on the Internet are not very good. I found only one ode of praise. If this were a super remedy, then large manufacturers began to use it long ago.

Firming care SLOW AGE

This is really high-quality cosmetics with SPF 25 protection. This cream contains the antioxidant Baicalin. It acts in tandem with vitamins E + C, which neutralize the oxidation processes occurring in the epidermis. This cream also contains the probiotic Bifidus. This component strengthens the skin barrier, enhancing the protective functions of the epidermis.

According to the manufacturer, immediately after applying the cream, the face looks younger. In general, day after day, wrinkles and other signs of aging become less noticeable. I wrote a separate detailed article on it.

Korean and Japanese anti-aging cosmetics

I highlighted this cosmetics separately, since everything is not so clear with it. In recent years, these skincare products have become especially popular. Asian cosmetics from famous brands are of high quality. At the same time, it is much cheaper than premium cosmetics and professional brand products. In essence, Korean and Japanese cosmetics are a middle market.

And the products seem to be of high quality and inexpensive. It would seem, buy and use. But there is one “but”. European women have a slightly different type of skin aging than Asian women. Our skin is more often susceptible to allergic reactions and ages earlier. The withering process occurs according to the deformation or finely wrinkled type.

Although, now Asians have made a big leap in anti-aging products. They really have a lot of money. But here you need to seriously understand what suits you personally.

Therefore, my friends, who have tried a series of Japanese or Korean cosmetics, share your impressions. Which brand suited you and what was the result of using it.

I’ll tell you about a couple of the most widely used means:

  1. Nourishing cream Black Caviar from Holika Holika - has a lifting effect. The cream contains black caviar extract and shea butter. The cosmetic product has a pleasant, rich texture. The set also includes a plastic spoon. According to reviews they write that after use the face becomes fresher and younger. The cream does not dry out the skin, and for some, nasolabial folds have even been smoothed out.
  2. Cream from Mizon Collagen power firming - as the manufacturer writes, the cream contains as much as 54% collagen. Plus there is hyaluronic acid, cocoa extract, flower oils and other benefits. After a couple of weeks of use, they write that the skin has become much better, more velvety. It did not clog pores and no oily shine was noticed. The cream moisturizes very well.

In today's article, I introduced you to just a few anti-aging products. There are still so many of them. I sincerely hope that today's article helped you increase your knowledge in the field of anti-aging cosmetics. Share the link to the article with your friends. And don’t forget to subscribe to updates - I still have so many surprises in store for you. That's all for today: bye-bye!

Women who care about their appearance and take this issue seriously prefer to purchase face cream at the pharmacy. This is due to the effectiveness of using such products, comparable to procedures in a beauty salon. What drugs can be bought in the pharmacy chain, how the products from well-known global manufacturers differ, how to make the right choice - this is discussed in the review of branded medicinal products.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics

The modern development of science, turning to traditional medicine, has helped to create a new direction at the intersection of pharmacology and cosmetology - cosmeceuticals, which is engaged in the development of medicinal drugs. Pharmacy cosmetics are products whose action is aimed at solving dermatological and aesthetic problems. These drugs:

  1. contain active natural ingredients;
  2. use the latest scientific developments;
  3. safe - they do not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens;
  4. promote rapid restoration of the skin, treatment, and preventive care.

Pharmacy cosmetics have their own characteristics. They are associated with the high quality of products, the serious attitude of manufacturers to products produced under brands, and therefore are sold through pharmacies. Medical cosmetics:

  1. solves skin problems from the inside;
  2. has certificates - undergoes many laboratory tests;
  3. helps reduce doses of medications;
  4. guarantees long-lasting effect;
  5. differs in the quality of cleaning;
  6. serves as an addition to treatment or acts independently.

Pharmaceutical companies developing unique formulations for pharmaceutical cosmetics produce products that:

  1. solves specific problems of the epidermis;
  2. simultaneously treats, eliminates defects and cares for the skin;
  3. has a price that includes the costs of developing new formulas and clinical studies;
  4. contain vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes that act at the cellular level.

Well-known brands are trying to expand their product line. They produce pharmaceutical cosmetics that satisfy any requirement. Leading companies produce the following types and forms of products:

  1. creams that solve various problems;
  2. lines of hair products;
  3. cosmetic nail care products;
  4. micellar water;
  5. tonics;
  6. emulsions;
  7. vibes;
  8. serums;
  9. foam;
  10. gels;
  11. mousses;
  12. milk;
  13. oils;
  14. lotions.

How is it different from normal

Those with sensitive skin find it difficult to choose cosmetics even in specialized stores. Hypoallergenic pharmaceutical cosmetics have a serious therapeutic effect on skin diseases. Unlike conventional drugs, these products:

  1. penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  2. actively moisturizes the skin;
  3. contains ingredients that are used in the production of medicines;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions.

The products of well-known brands are distinguished by the fact that all components of pharmaceutical products undergo high-quality pre-purification. The effectiveness of drugs is determined by:

  1. no preservatives, parabens, fragrances;
  2. guarantee of laboratory and clinical tests, confirmed by certificates;
  3. use of natural components and modern developments;
  4. the possibility of treatment, preventive care from the effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays;
  5. the ability to solve problems of early aging and fading;
  6. effectiveness in the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea.

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that meet the diverse needs of consumers. All pharmacy cosmetics are divided into three groups. The most accessible, which is cheap, but distinguished by quality and safety, are mass market products. These drugs, in addition to pharmacies, can be purchased in specialized cosmetics stores and supermarkets. Popular products of domestic and foreign brands: