Anti-wrinkle pharmacy cheap and effective

Creams and suppositories for hemorrhoids prevent the appearance of wrinkles

This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles.
It's all about shark liver oil and other substances that tighten and regenerate tissue and eliminate swelling.
Suppositories for hemorrhoids are softened in a water bath until creamy, then applied under the eyes or even all over the face.
For example, model Kate Moss knows that to hide dark circles under the eyes and refresh your face after a sleepless night, simply apply hemorrhoid cream. The star smears it on the skin around the eyes and all swelling. “This is just a luxurious product,” Kate rejoices, “It works instantly.”

Aspirin scrub
To renew your skin, it’s good to make a cleansing mask of aspirin once a week.
Place a drop of water on the aspirin. It is granulated. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix. Apply to the face for 10 minutes, then massage, like a scrub, rinse off. The mask removes all redness and evens out the skin.

Retinoic ointment for rejuvenation
The action of retinoic ointment is based on the direct stimulating effect of retinoic acid and its derivatives (retinoids) on the skin. Retinoids are synthetic analogues of vitamin A. The ointment is positioned as anti-acne, but is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, removes redness. Can be used as a cream.

Licorice (licorice) against age-related pigmentation
Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin, which helps fight age-related dark spots Liquorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, tightens the contour of the face. You can use it by simply brewing licorice root, infuse it, wipe your face or rinse your mouth.

Vietnamese “star” for skin tightening
If you urgently need to get rid of bags under the eyes, the most common “Vietnamese star” helps. It tightens the skin, as they say, “in front of the eyes.” The main components of the “Star” balm are menthol oil, formic acid, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, rosehip extract, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, petroleum jelly, camphor oil, other excipients. When using, try to avoid the area around the eyes.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles
Using zinc ointment you can fight wrinkles. Moreover, if zinc ointment for acne is applied only to the edges of the inflammation, then in the case of wrinkles it can be safely applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of aged skin. However, you should definitely remember that this product dries out the skin quite strongly, so it must be used in combination with moisturizing creams, otherwise the sensitive skin under the eyes and around the mouth (where wrinkles most often accumulate) will very quickly turn into dry and flaky.

Hydrocortisone ointment instead of Botox, against crow's feet
Hydrocortisone ointment helps retain moisture in the skin, which explains the “wrinkle reduction” effect. In fact, wrinkles will not decrease - swelling is created on the skin, which “stretches” them. To begin with, it is better to test the skin for an allergic reaction. If all is well, feel free to fight wrinkles.
Hydrocortisine eye ointment is a hormonal treatment for treating allergies and relieving inflammation. Liquid vitamins for rejuvenation

Buy oil capsules of vitamins A and E, puncture them, squeeze out the contents little by little and apply to wrinkles. Lightly beat in with your fingers and leave for half an hour. Then blot off the excess with a napkin. Do this for a week after 1-2 months, maybe at night, maybe during the day. Add these vitamins to face masks, the effect is excellent. Orally, take 1 capsule once a month for 7-10 days - good for complexion, hair and nails.
Vitamin A has a huge number of different properties. This is the king of vitamins in anti-wrinkle creams! Vitamin F is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids designed to cleanse and nourish skin, especially dry, irritated and with obvious signs of aging. Vitamin F (at a concentration of 3-7%) helps strengthen the epidermal barrier, restore hydrolipid balance, and therefore moisturize the skin and increase its turgor.


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Friday, September 08, 2017 13:54 + to quote book

Did you know that hemorrhoid creams and suppositories prevent the appearance of wrinkles? Can aspirin cleanse and even out the skin in a week? That ordinary licorice will get rid of age spots?

The best selection of anti-aging products - for you!

Creams and suppositories for hemorrhoids prevent the appearance of wrinkles

This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles. It's all about shark liver oil and other substances that tighten and regenerate tissue and eliminate swelling.

Hemorrhoid suppositories are softened in a water bath until creamy, then applied under the eyes or even all over the face. For example, model Kate Moss knows that to hide dark circles under the eyes and refresh the face after a sleepless night, simply apply hemorrhoid cream. The star smears it on the skin around the eyes and all swelling. “This is just a luxurious product,” Kate rejoices, “It works instantly.”

Aspirin scrub

To renew your skin, it’s good to make a cleansing mask of aspirin once a week. Place a drop of water on the aspirin. It is granulated. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix. Apply to the face for 10 minutes, then massage, like a scrub, and rinse.
The mask removes all redness and evens out the skin.

Retinoic ointment for rejuvenation

The action of retinoic ointment is based on the direct stimulating effect of retinoic acid and its derivatives (retinoids) on the skin. Retinoids are synthetic analogues of vitamin A.
The ointment is positioned as an anti-acne, but it is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness.
Can be used as a cream.

Retinol acetate

Retinol (aka vitamin A) is directly involved in metabolism. In the hospital it is prescribed in case of skin damage.
It will also be useful for us. It smooths out wrinkles by improving the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

It is recommended to use retinol in oil form. The drug must be applied two or three hours before bedtime. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a week.

Licorice (licorice) against age-related pigmentation

Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin, which helps fight age-related dark spots. Liquorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, and tightens the facial contour.

You can use it by simply brewing licorice root, infusing it, wiping your face or rinsing your mouth.

Vietnamese “star” for skin tightening

If you urgently need to get rid of bags under your eyes, the most ordinary “Vietnamese star” helps. The main components of the “Star” balm are menthol oil, formic acid, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, rosehip extract, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, petroleum jelly, camphor oil, and other excipients.
When using, try to avoid the area directly around the eyes. Apply the balm only to the swollen area (“bags”), without touching the lower eyelid.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles

Using zinc ointment you can fight wrinkles. Moreover, if zinc ointment for acne is applied only to the edges of the inflammation, then in the case of wrinkles it can be safely applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of aged skin.

However, you should definitely remember that this product dries out the skin quite strongly, so it must be used in combination with moisturizing creams, otherwise the sensitive skin under the eyes and around the mouth (where wrinkles most often accumulate) will very quickly turn into dry and flaky.

Hydrocortisone ointment instead of Botox, against crow's feet

Hydrocortisone ointment helps retain moisture in the skin, which explains the “wrinkle reduction” effect. In fact, wrinkles will not decrease - swelling is created on the skin, which “stretches” them.

First, it is better to test your skin for an allergic reaction. If all is well, feel free to fight wrinkles. Hydrocortisine eye ointment is a hormonal treatment for treating allergies and relieving inflammation.


In the pharmacy this drug is sold in two forms - spray and ointment. They are no different in effectiveness. This medicine promotes accelerated epithelization (accelerated healing of skin defects).

Preparations for facial skin rejuvenation should be used twice a week, as a face mask, day or night.

Liquid vitamins for rejuvenation

Buy oil capsules of vitamins A and E, puncture them, squeeze out the contents little by little and apply to wrinkles. Lightly beat in with your fingers and leave for half an hour. Then blot off the excess with a napkin. Do this for a week after 1-2 months, maybe at night, maybe during the day. Add these vitamins to face masks, the effect is excellent.

Orally, take 1 capsule once a month for 7-10 days - good for complexion, hair and nails.

Vitamin A has a huge number of different properties. This is the king of vitamins in anti-wrinkle creams!

Vitamin F is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids designed to cleanse and nourish skin, especially dry, irritated and with obvious signs of aging. Vitamin F (at a concentration of 3-7%) helps strengthen the epidermal barrier, restore hydrolipid balance, and therefore moisturize the skin and increase its turgor.

Rejuvenation from the pharmacy can be quite effective. You just need to know what pharmaceutical preparations to use for rejuvenation and what masks or scrubs should be made from. Remember, a woman’s beauty and health are inseparable concepts.

Creams and suppositories for hemorrhoids prevent the appearance of wrinkles
This non-standard use of hemorrhoid cream will help smooth out even deep wrinkles.

Aspirin scrub
To renew your skin, it’s good to make a cleansing mask of aspirin once a week.
Place a drop of water on the aspirin. It is granulated.
Add a teaspoon of honey and mix.
Apply to face for 10 minutes, then massage like a scrub and rinse off.
The mask removes all redness and evens out the skin.

Retinoic ointment for rejuvenation
The action of retinoic ointment is based on the direct stimulating effect of retinoic acid and its derivatives (retinoids) on the skin. Retinoids are synthetic analogues of vitamin A.
The ointment is positioned as an anti-acne, but it is also an excellent prevention of aging, improves skin condition, and removes redness.
Can be used as a cream.

Licorice (licorice) against age-related pigmentation
Liquorice root extract regulates the production of melanin, which helps fight age-related dark spots. Liquorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, and tightens the facial contour.
You can use it by simply brewing licorice root, infusing it, wiping your face or rinsing your mouth.

Vietnamese “star” for skin tightening
If you urgently need to get rid of bags under the eyes
the most ordinary “Vietnamese star” helps.
Tightens the skin, as they say, “before the eyes.”
The main components of the “Star” balm are menthol oil, formic acid, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, rosehip extract, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, petroleum jelly, camphor oil, and other excipients. When using, try to avoid the area around the eyes.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles
Using zinc ointment you can fight wrinkles. Moreover, if zinc ointment for acne is applied only to the edges of the inflammation, then in the case of wrinkles it can be safely applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of aged skin. However, you should definitely remember that this product dries out the skin quite strongly, so it must be used in combination with moisturizing creams, otherwise the sensitive skin under the eyes and around the mouth (where wrinkles most often accumulate) will very quickly turn into dry and flaky.

Hydrocortisone ointment instead of Botox, against crow's feet
Hydrocortisone ointment helps retain moisture in the skin, which explains the “wrinkle reduction” effect. In fact, wrinkles will not decrease - swelling is created on the skin, which “stretches” them.
First, it is better to test your skin for an allergic reaction. If all is well, feel free to fight wrinkles.
Hydrocortisine eye ointment is a hormonal treatment for treating allergies and relieving inflammation.

Liquid vitamins for rejuvenation
Buy oil capsules of vitamins A and E, puncture them, squeeze out the contents little by little and apply to wrinkles. Lightly beat in with your fingers and leave for half an hour. Then blot off the excess with a napkin. Do this for a week after 1-2 months, maybe at night, maybe during the day. Add these vitamins to face masks, the effect is excellent.
Orally, take 1 capsule once a month for 7-10 days - good for complexion, hair and nails.
Vitamin A has a huge number of different properties. This is the king of vitamins in anti-wrinkle creams!

Vitamin F
- a complex of unsaturated fatty acids designed to cleanse and nourish the skin, especially dry, irritated and with obvious signs of aging. Vitamin F (at a concentration of 3-7%) helps strengthen the epidermal barrier, restore hydrolipid balance, and therefore moisturize the skin and increase its turgor.