Black cumin oil for wrinkles around the eyes

The problem of unhealthy, aging facial skin has plagued more than one generation. Many oriental beauties know about the miraculous transformation of the skin after using cumin. Even the queens of Egypt Cleopatra and Nefertiti did not miss the opportunity to use black cumin oil for deficiencies and diseases of the dermis. Therefore, the capabilities and medicinal properties of the drug cannot be neglected. How to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, all its secrets will be revealed further.

Subtleties of preparing the product

Black cumin or Roman coriander is an annual plant that grows mainly in hot countries of the Middle East, and is also found in Russia. Initially, it was used in cooking and medicine in the treatment of many diseases (for example, diseases of the endocrine and digestive system). For cosmetic purposes, an oil extract of the plant is used, which is obtained by mechanically squeezing selected and dried caraway seeds. An oily liquid without sediment is used in anti-aging and anti-inflammatory face masks, in products for healing and stimulating hair growth. By regularly using the extract in combination with self-massage, young and tightened facial skin, like Queen Cleopatra’s, is guaranteed.


Cumin seed oil is a golden to brown liquid with a pungent aroma. Possessing a large number of useful components, fatty acids and microelements, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and defects not only of young, but also mature dermis. In addition, the use of the drug guarantees a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Composition and medicinal properties of black cumin oil

According to leading doctors, the composition of the elixir is considered truly royal, thanks to the content of over 100 types of useful components. In addition, about half of the components enhance the processes occurring inside cells.

The composition of the drug is multifaceted:

  1. fatty acids - Omega-6, Omega-9, linolenic, stearic;
  2. about 15 important amino acids (arginine in particular);
  3. vitamins C, D, E, group B;
  4. micro-, macroelements – calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  5. carotenoids, which help activate the synthesis of new collagen fibers;
  6. phytosterols with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

The whole complex guarantees an effective and quick result in the improvement of individual systems and the immunity of the body as a whole. Black cumin oil is also used on the face for wrinkles, stretch marks and acne.

Thanks to its unique components, the following properties of black cumin oil are undeniable:

  1. antibacterial - successfully used for inflammation of the epidermis and treatment of many infections;
  2. a high content of antioxidant substances helps slow down the aging process and activate the regenerative function;
  3. analgesic – reduces pain;
  4. immunostimulating – strengthens the body’s immunity, increases resistance to infections;
  5. sedative – the product calms and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  6. relaxing – natural ingredients soothe and relax muscles.


Black cumin oil - benefits for the face

Black cumin oil for facial skin is an essential source of vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and enzymes. They stimulate collagen production, nourish and normalize cell function.

The glutathione contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and slows down aging. Due to its antibacterial and soothing properties, black cumin oil is used for acne, inflammation, redness and itching.

Zinc and vitamins A, C, E neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on tissue and help eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles.
A combination of vitamins A, B and unsaturated fatty acids helps normalize the water-lipid balance in epidermal cells. The dermis is noticeably transformed, it becomes soft, moisturized, the color evens out and acquires a pleasant, healthy shade.

Regular use of the drug guarantees:

  1. normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. increases blood and lymph circulation;
  3. alignment of relief and complexion;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of the epidermis;
  5. reduction of inflammatory processes and swelling of the dermis;
  6. high-quality, deep cleansing of pores;
  7. eliminating the appearance of pimples and acne on the face;
  8. reducing skin problems;
  9. deep nutrition and hydration of tissues;
  10. smoothing and partial elimination of facial and age wrinkles;
  11. increasing the protective function of cells.

In many European countries, black cumin oil is used for the face against wrinkles as the most effective cosmetic product; all kinds of nourishing, rejuvenating face masks are prepared from it, and even added to the main lifting cream for enrichment.


Contraindications for use

Black cumin oil, the harm of which is not commensurate with the benefits, still has some limitations in use:

  1. individual allergic reaction;
  2. pregnancy at all stages;
  3. breastfeeding period;
  4. recent organ transplant operations.

Be sure to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction before using cosmetics based on black cumin extract. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid to the inside of your elbow and observe. Irritation, discomfort and itching are signs of intolerance by the body to the components of the drug. Its use will have to be postponed.

When consuming liquids orally, consult your doctor first about the correct, safe dosage.

If you want to replace black cumin oil with another product, you should pay attention to: rose oil, sandalwood oil, jojoba oil.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

A large arsenal of useful and effective substances allows the extract to be used in cosmetology as:

  1. the main component of all kinds of masks and skin care creams;
  2. an effective addition to a cleansing cosmetic product;
  3. component of creams for the neck and décolleté area;
  4. vitamin supplement to basic skin care cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, acne, or as a prophylactic agent in its pure, concentrated form. To enhance effectiveness, it is useful to combine the drug with other essential plant extracts. Find out more about them here.

The best mask recipes will help you avoid premature aging, solve the problems of young skin and eliminate the existing shortcomings of mature skin:

  1. Queen Cleopatra's mask with a lifting effect: 15 g of oatmeal crushed into flour, 2-3 drops of purified water, 4 ml of caraway seeds, 6 g of natural honey and 1 yolk. Mix all components thoroughly, apply the composition to the surface of the face in a thin layer, and rinse after 10 minutes.
  2. Black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles for oily dermis can be used in the following mask recipe: olive oil 7 ml, cumin remedy 5 ml, rosemary essential extract 4 drops, juniper and bergamot extract 3 drops each, mix basil juice. Heat the mixture slightly in a bathhouse, then apply to the face for 30 minutes. Remove any leftovers.
  3. Mask for problematic surfaces: mix 30 ml of tea tree extract with 7 ml of cumin oil, add 12 g of oatmeal. Mix and spread over problem skin for 30 minutes.
  4. Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin types: mix full-fat sour cream (15 ml) with caraway elixir (7 ml) and cinnamon powder (4 g). Apply the resulting mixture generously to the dermis for 15-20 minutes.
  5. 5. A mask of 10 ml of olive extract and 7 ml of caraway will help to cleanse oily skin and give it a healthy glow. The oil composition is distributed over the surface for 30-40 minutes.

To achieve maximum results, steam your skin with chamomile decoction before applying the mask.


Many vegetable oils used to care for facial skin and correct various imperfections receive unconditional recognition in cosmetology. One of the valuable products is made from black cumin seeds and can be included in home preparations.

Benefits of caraway extract for facial skin

Black cumin oil is obtained by cold pressing from seeds, which allows you to preserve its beneficial qualities as much as possible. The extract contains a lot of biologically active compounds:

  1. Amino acids (including 8 essential ones).
  2. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Mono- and polysaccharides.
  4. Phospholipids.
  5. Terpene derivatives.
  6. Saponins and alkaloids.
  7. Tannins.
  8. Phytosterols, enzymes.
  9. Flavonoids.
  10. Vitamins (groups B, E, C, D, carotenoids).
  11. Minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, selenium).

Saturated with substances beneficial to the body, the oil has a wide range of effects that are used in medicine. The following properties of caraway extract are in demand for cosmetology practice:

  1. Antimicrobial.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Regenerative.
  4. Brightening.
  5. Rejuvenating.

The natural product saturates the skin with nutrients and moisture, restores its water-lipid barrier, protecting it from the negative influence of external factors. Biological substances promote the healing of damage and the elimination of inflammatory phenomena. The oil cleanses the skin of excess sebaceous secretions, eliminating oily sheen. With the help of enzymes and vitamins, the resorption of acne scars is achieved.

Thanks to deep hydration and nutrition, acceleration of microcirculation and metabolic processes, synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, the oil helps smooth out fine wrinkles, increase the tone and elasticity of the dermis. Lightening properties make it possible to even out the color tone of the face and whiten age spots. The skin acquires purity and natural radiance.

Black cumin oil is a valuable product used to combat common cosmetic defects on the facial skin.

How to use in cosmetology?


There are several ways to use black seed oil. It can be applied pointwise to problem areas, added to ready-made products, or used as an ingredient in homemade masks. A specialist will tell you which one is suitable for a particular case.

Before applying masks, it is recommended to first cleanse your face of traces of makeup and other contaminants. Next, the skin is steamed over a bath, for which it is better to take not just water, but herbal decoctions or infusions (chamomile, linden, nettle).

Masks with cumin oil are applied to the face using patting movements, following the massage lines. It is recommended to treat the neck and décolleté area this way, but the area around the eyes should remain untouched.

For acne

To treat acne, you can use cumin oil in its pure form, gently applying it to the inflammatory areas 1-2 times a day. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Masks are made several times a week until the condition of the epithelium improves. The following recipes are suitable for problem skin:

  1. Grape seed and black cumin oils (1 tsp each), tea tree ether (3 drops).
  2. Caraway extract (2 tsp), ground oatmeal (1 tbsp), tea tree oil (5 drops).
  3. Cumin and wheat germ oils (1 tsp each), tea tree and lavender (2 drops each).
  4. Olive (1.5 tsp) and cumin (1 tsp) oils, esters of rosemary, juniper, bergamot, basil (3 drops each).

Leave the masks on the face for 15–20 minutes, after which they are washed off with warm water. The duration of the course is 1–2 months.

For wrinkles


Dry skin is especially prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, cumin oil will come in handy in this situation - it will moisturize, provide necessary nutrition and smooth out wrinkles. To tighten and rejuvenate, you can use the following masks:

  1. Oatmeal (1 tbsp), egg yolk, liquid copper and cumin oil (1 tsp each) - kept for 10 minutes.
  2. Sour cream (2 tbsp), cumin oil (3 tsp), ground cinnamon (1.5 tsp) - apply for 25 minutes.
  3. Jojoba, cumin, peach oils (1 tsp each) – exposure time is 20 minutes.

You can prepare a renewing mask from cosmetic clay (1.5 tsp) with mineral water and cumin oil (1 tsp). After thorough mixing, the composition is applied for 15 minutes. For dry skin, masks with cumin oil are used 3-4 times a week.

For pigment spots

To lighten age spots left after acne, you need to make a mixture of olive and black cumin oils (in a 2:1 ratio) and apply to a moisturized face. This composition is kept for 40 minutes, the residue is removed with a napkin and washed. It is also recommended to enrich the night cream with oil, adding 2-3 drops to 1 serving. Rub the cream between your palms and apply it with massage movements.

Black cumin oil is used to prepare cleansing, smoothing and tightening masks that will help cope with the imperfections of aging and problematic skin.



Since the oil is a completely natural product, it is well tolerated. The only contraindication limiting the use of the product is individual intolerance. It can be identified by the results of a simple test: apply a little oil to your wrist and observe the reaction for half an hour. If no changes occur, you can safely apply it to your face.

One of the valuable oils that has gained popularity in cosmetology is prepared from black cumin seeds. The product is actively used in recipes for home remedies that are well suited for oily and problematic, dry and aging skin. But to make the correction of aesthetic problems more successful, it is better to visit a specialist.

Black cumin oil for face - uses and recipes

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Ancient medicine considered Roman coriander or nigella to be the best cure for all diseases. The seeds of this annual are rich in valuable liquid, widely used for medicinal and aesthetic purposes. Black cumin oil for the face restores beauty and youth, and is also beneficial in the treatment of problem skin. Excellent tonic properties help smooth out deep expression wrinkles.

Benefits of black cumin oil for skin

The composition of cumin oil is rich in acids:

  1. oleic;
  2. myristic;
  3. palmitic;
  4. stearic;
  5. linolenic;
  6. eicosadiene.

In cosmetology, the beneficial properties of cumin oil for the skin help:

  1. Nourish and moisturize;
  2. Restore firmness and elasticity;
  3. Treat purulent inflammations;
  4. Improve color.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. By testing the composition for an allergic reaction, you can avoid possible harm.

Using black cumin oil on the face

The oil of a popular spice has a magical effect on the skin. Restores a healthy appearance, eliminates puffiness, signs of fatigue and improves skin color. A universal product for all skin types, including sensitive and problematic.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Homemade face mask recipes with cumin oil

Homemade formulations are effective for various skin diseases. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, cumin oil soothes the skin, cleanses and improves complexion. Natural procedures whiten pigment formations, smooth out photo and facial wrinkles.

Black cumin oil mask for wrinkles

Result: anti-aging skin care recipes tighten the contour of the oval, restore the turgor of the epidermis. After forty, it is worth conducting a ten-day course of caring sessions.

  1. Art. a spoonful of cumin oil;
  2. 2 teaspoons starch;
  3. egg.

Preparation and method of application: combine potato powder with egg and nutrient liquid. Use a compress to steam the skin, distribute the mass in a dense layer, avoiding contact only with the eyelids. After resting for about fifteen minutes, wash with cold infusion of viburnum.

Video recipe: Anti-wrinkle face mask with black cumin oil at home

Black cumin oil mask for acne

Result: an effective caring procedure copes with acne, redness and inflammation.

  1. 5 ml caraway oil;
  2. 30 ml kvass;
  3. 10 gr. red clay.

Preparation and method of application: pour Moroccan clay with dark kvass, add vegetable oil. Before applying the mask, scrub with rye flour and distribute the composition along the lymphatic lines. After waiting a quarter of an hour, wash with water and lime juice, and overnight treat the pustules with pure cumin oil.

Black cumin oil mask for blackheads

Result: homemade recipes are effective for removing and preventing the formation of comedones and narrowing pores.

  1. 2 ml cumin oil;
  2. 2 tablets of white coal;
  3. 10 drops of myrrh essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the sorbent, add moisturizing and essential oil, dilute with concentrated black tea. After cleansing of makeup, thoroughly steam the dermis, then treat all problem areas with a healing mass. After twenty minutes, after removing the residue, wipe the surface with lime juice.

Mask for dry skin

Result: black cumin for the face replenishes the lack of moisture and lipids.

  1. 10 ml caraway oil;
  2. banana;
  3. 5 gr. oatmeal.

Preparation and method of application: pour boiling water over the flakes for twenty minutes, then stir the paste with banana and vegetable oil. After removing decorative cosmetics, spread the nourishing mask in a dense layer over the entire surface with a spatula. Enjoy the effect for at least a quarter of an hour, remove with a damp cotton pad.

Reviews on the use of cumin oil for the face

I used medicinal cosmetics to relieve swelling, but the bags and swelling did not go away. I solved the problem with the help of a cumin mask, which I did in the evening for about a week. The skin is refreshed and more elastic.

Problem skin still suffers from regular acne. I make a face mask from black cumin oil up to three times a week. It relieves inflammation well, cleanses and treats acne.

It's finished! I finally said goodbye to wrinkles! I had a lot of facial wrinkles. Traditional remedies did not help. But one product in 2 weeks saved me from wrinkles and plus all my skin was tightened and refreshed, I more