Therapeutic Self-massage

Therapeutic self-massage

Massage is one of the most ancient and effective methods of treating and preventing diseases. One of the types of massage is self-massage, which is performed by the patient himself and has a number of advantages over classical massage.

Benefits of self-massage

Self-massage is a set of mechanical dosed effects on various parts of the human body. Its undeniable advantages are:

  1. An active position in the fight against the disease. A person takes an active position in the fight against the disease, which is an important factor in recovery.
  2. Possibility of use in any conditions. Self-massage can be done at home, at work, in the car, or while hiking.
  3. The ability to choose a comfortable position and the most effective manipulations in the desired area.
  4. Possibility of dosing the force of influence based on your well-being.
  5. The ability to carry it out at a convenient time, combining it with other medical procedures - taking mineral water, gymnastics, physiotherapy, etc.

Indications for self-massage

Self-massage is an effective method of treatment and prevention of various diseases, including intestines. It is indicated for:

  1. Chronic enterocolitis and colitis;
  2. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission.

Contraindications for self-massage

However, self-massage cannot be performed for certain diseases and conditions, such as:

  1. All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage and during exacerbation;
  2. Diseases of the stomach and intestines with a tendency to bleeding;
  3. Acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peritonitis, etc.);
  4. Malignant tumors of any location;
  5. Gangrene;
  6. Vascular thrombosis during its occurrence;
  7. Aneurysm of the heart, blood vessels;
  8. Osteomyelitis;
  9. Circulatory failure and pulmonary heart failure of the 3rd degree;
  10. Acute diseases occurring with fever;
  11. Acute and subacute inflammatory processes in the female genital organs;
  12. Purulent processes of any localization;
  13. Pustular skin lesions;
  14. Severe fatigue;
  15. Alcohol intoxication;
  16. Pregnancy;
  17. Postpartum and post-abortion period.

Objectives of self-massage

Self-massage is aimed at improving the condition of the body and has the following tasks:

  1. Acceleration of blood circulation. Mechanical effects on the skin and muscles lead to the expansion of capillaries and improved blood supply to tissues, which helps accelerate metabolism.

  2. Elimination of venous stagnation. Self-massage improves the outflow of venous blood and prevents its stagnation, which is especially important for diseases of the veins and lymphatic vessels.

  3. Help reduce pain. Massage reduces pain by improving blood circulation, reducing muscle tension and increasing the production of endorphins - the body's natural analgesics.

  4. Normalization of intestinal functions. Self-massage helps improve intestinal motility, which improves its functioning and helps eliminate constipation and dysbiosis.

  5. Helping improve the functional state of the nervous system. Massage has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces stress levels and improves mood.

Self-massage technique

The technique of self-massage can be different depending on the area of ​​influence and the goals of treatment. For example, to improve blood circulation in the limbs, you can use massage brushes, to improve intestinal function - abdominal massage, to relieve muscle tension and improve mood - massage of the neck and shoulder girdle.

One of the simplest ways of self-massage is palm massage. To do this, you need to bend your elbows and tightly clench your hands into fists. Then, using your other hand, massage the skin and muscles of your palms in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes.

It is important to remember that when performing self-massage, you must monitor your well-being and not exceed the permissible load. If your health condition worsens, you should immediately stop the massage and consult a doctor.


Therapeutic self-massage is an effective and affordable method of treating and preventing diseases, which can be carried out in any conditions and without the participation of a specialist. However, before starting self-massage, you must consult a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications.