Why does the skin around the eyes peel?

When the skin around the eyes peels, in addition to visual discomfort, which can cause a lot of inconvenience in everyday life, this anomaly poses a threat. Any deviations from the norm are considered pathology. Their causes are sometimes harmless, but there may also be ones that pose a health hazard.

Conditionally safe provocateurs of skin peeling

In addition to irritation, which manifests itself in the form of peeling, red spots and cracks may appear on the epidermis around the eyes. Additionally, the patient often experiences itching or burning. The symptoms of the pathological process will depend not only on the irritant, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism.

There are no completely safe reasons for the appearance of flaky areas on the face. Any changes in the human body indicate an abnormal process that negatively affects the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

The gradual suppression of the immune system leads to a decrease in protective mechanisms, so a person who is faced with this pathology, but does not take any actions aimed at recovery, exposes himself to the risk of developing serious complications.

Conditionally safe reasons for the appearance of peeling on the epidermis can be the following:

  1. Weather. Peeling and redness of the skin around the eyes can be caused by external factors such as wind, heat or cold. To prevent irritation on your face, you need to take care of your skin. Before going outside, she is protected with special lotions, creams, ointments and other similar cosmetics.
  2. Dehydration of the body. Lack of moisture negatively affects the condition of the entire skin. First of all, those areas of the body where the thin and delicate epidermis is located are affected. To get rid of this problem, you need to drink more fluid. Preference should be given to warm, clean water, as it penetrates the bloodstream faster.
  3. Unhealthy food. Excessive consumption of fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods can not only lead to the appearance of skin defects. Poor nutrition has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, which is dangerous for the development of serious health problems.
  4. Cosmetics. Poor quality skin care products can irritate the thin skin around the eyes. Itching and flaking can also occur as a result of improper use, for example, of a face mask.
  5. Sleep disturbances. Insufficient hours of rest can cause delicate areas of tissue to become stressed. In order to get rid of signs of fatigue under the eyes, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. It is recommended to minimize the amount of time spent on the computer and other gadgets. This problem is relevant not only for adults, but also for children, since the modern generation spends almost all of its free time on the phone, tablet and other equipment.
  6. Lack of vitamins. This problem needs to be fought not only from within. It is necessary to make nourishing masks that can be prepared from essential oils. It is recommended to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. If you have vitamin deficiency, you should seek professional help from a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate vitamin complex.

When redness and peeling of the skin around the eyes is caused by one of the above reasons, with the right approach to the treatment process, you can get rid of the pathological process quite quickly. If therapy does not help, it is necessary to continue diagnosis. Only by identifying the main source of the problem can you find the key to solving it.

Allergic reaction

The body's immune system is not flawless. Sometimes it can react to very harmless causes, while provoking quite serious and sometimes life-threatening symptoms.

An allergic reaction of the body, which characterizes the hypersensitivity of the immune system, can occur at any age.

The reasons for its occurrence are quite difficult to list; in addition, the source of the problem cannot always be identified during diagnostic measures. The most common triggers for the development of an allergic reaction include:

  1. some food products;
  2. dust;
  3. plant pollen;
  4. contact lenses;
  5. cosmetical tools.

If the pathology is observed in a child, then the problem may be an allergic reaction to the material from which the toys are made. You should be careful when choosing a washing powder.

Contact of the facial skin with an irritant can occur, for example, during a night's rest, when the child's head touches the pillow. An allergic reaction can also develop to the smell of various chemicals, including the aroma that comes from clothes after washing.

Symptoms of the immune system in response to an irritant can manifest themselves in different ways. In addition to the fact that the skin turns red and begins to peel, the eyes often swell, photophobia and lacrimation develop.

If the epidermis cracks, then this condition is dangerous due to the penetration of infection into the resulting wounds. Lack of therapeutic measures can cause vision problems.

Treatment for an allergic reaction involves eliminating the underlying source of the problem. After determining the cause of this pathological process and eliminating contact with it, the patient is prescribed antihistamines, which are prescribed on an individual basis.

Dangerous causes of peeling

According to medical observations, if flaky skin appears immediately on the upper eyelid and under the eye, then such symptoms characterize a serious pathological process. Additionally, other signs of illness may be present. The main forms of pathologies include:

  1. Kidney diseases. The skin under the eyes turns red and swelling of the tissue appears. The patient's blood pressure rises. Itching often appears in the corners of the eyes.
  2. Viral and infectious diseases. The feeling of discomfort in the eyes and changes in the condition of the skin around them are characteristic of many pathological processes that are caused by a virus. These include: ARVI, scarlet fever, influenza, chicken pox, measles, etc.
  3. Eyelash mite, or demodicosis. The disease is caused by microscopic parasites. The pathological process most often develops against the background of reduced immunity, so the number of cases of demodicosis diagnosis increases significantly in the spring and autumn periods. The patient not only has peeling tissue in the eye area, but also appears redness and itching. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from an ophthalmologist. The parasite can be identified using special equipment. Demodicosis can be treated comprehensively. You should not try to eliminate peeling and redness with fatty creams, essential oils, etc. By creating such conditions for parasites, the patient himself worsens his situation. Such an environment will have a beneficial effect on their rapid reproduction.

There are quite a large number of eye diseases. The inflammatory process, which can begin in one eyelid, will quickly spread to the other eye without appropriate treatment. The following pathologies can result from damage by pathogenic microorganisms:

Treatment of the disease must be under medical supervision, otherwise there is a risk of complete or partial loss of vision.

Peeling skin in children

If the child’s skin in the eye area has not peeled off before and no significant changes have occurred in the child’s life (the diet has remained the same, as has the climate, clothing, personal hygiene products, etc.), the cause may be a helminthic infestation.

If this diagnosis is confirmed in the patient during the examination, then it is recommended that all family members and people who have been in close contact with the infected person undergo a therapeutic course of treatment.

School-age children, like adults, tend to feel tired. The skin under the eyes peels especially often in first-graders who are not yet accustomed to the stress of school.

Parents should properly plan the rest of their child’s day after school and additionally moisturize the epidermis. A widespread disease among schoolchildren is vegetative-vascular dystonia. One of its symptoms is redness of the skin around the eyes. A neurologist will help you deal with the problem.

When the skin around the eyes constantly peels off, it would not hurt to have your child examined by an otolaryngologist. Enlarged tonsils or the presence of adenoids have a negative impact on overall health.

If there is any irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or the epidermis near them, what is strictly not allowed to do is rub the itchy areas.

This will not alleviate the condition, but will only worsen the symptoms. In addition, there is a possibility of secondary infection.


When the skin around the eyes turns red and peels, and severe itching occurs, this may be a symptom of an allergic reaction of the body, inflammation, or another skin disease. After diagnosis, the dermatologist prescribes treatment, which consists of external treatment of the irritation and taking medications internally. Along with pharmaceutical medications, folk remedies are used.

Causes of peeling around the eyes

To determine the reason why peeling around the eyes appeared, the doctor must interview the patient in detail and find out when the unpleasant symptoms arose. During a visual examination, the shape of the spots, their severity and location near the eyes are determined. If after this it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, additional tests are prescribed. There are internal and external reasons that cause redness and peeling around the eyes.

Environmental influences include:

  1. sitting for a long time at a computer monitor;
  2. insect bites;
  3. infections;
  4. climate change;
  5. eye injuries;
  6. wearing lenses;
  7. chapping of the skin;
  8. allergies to cosmetics, animal hair, pollen, household chemicals.

If the area around the eyes has become dry and flaky due to vitamin deficiency, the body’s individual reaction to the use of medications, poor-quality products or diseases of the digestive tract, then it is customary to talk about an internal cause of irritation. In some cases, redness and peeling near the eyes indicate a person’s emotional overstrain, which manifests itself in an unusual way.



A microorganism called demodex, or eyelash mite, lives in the subcutaneous layer even in healthy people, without showing itself for years. The dimensions of the parasite are tenths of a millimeter, so it is impossible to examine it without special equipment. The mite is transmitted from one person to another and affects areas of the body where the skin is thinner.

It often leads to the skin around the eyes flaking, dryness and redness, and eyelashes sticking together. In order to accurately establish or exclude the presence of eyelash mites, it is necessary to take a scraping from the affected area. The analysis is carried out in the laboratory under a microscope. After identifying the parasite, the doctor prescribes treatment. Modern ointments for demodicosis help to paralyze, destroy the tick, and relieve inflammation.

Allergic reactions

People suffering from allergies are often unaware of their illness. It can manifest itself in adults and children as cough, runny nose, cracks in the corners of the eyes, allergic peeling of the skin. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult an allergist. The most difficult thing in this situation is to identify the allergen that caused the reaction. To do this, a full examination is prescribed, including blood and urine tests.

However, even before the results of the examination are ready, it is necessary to exclude all possible reasons why the skin around the eyes is dry. Factors influencing allergies may include:

  1. low-quality cosmetics;
  2. medications;
  3. plant pollen;
  4. reaction to food;
  5. temperature changes.

Infectious diseases

Often, such symptoms are associated with viral diseases that are transmitted from one person to another. They lead to the fact that the entire body is affected, the complication spreading to the eyes and the skin around them. This list includes:

After these diseases go away, dryness around the eyes also disappears, so doctors advise identifying the source of the problem and eliminating it. If peeling began due to an eye infection, then you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist so that the inflammation does not become chronic and lead to blindness. Infectious eye diseases include:

  1. blepharitis;
  2. conjunctivitis;
  3. demodex;
  4. barley;
  5. herpes on the eye;
  6. other fungal infections.

When bacteria become the cause of an illness, you need to look for the source to avoid re-infection. A person can become infected through contact with other people and animals. Blepharitis and stye are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which is present on the skin in a latent form. People with weak immune systems and poor eye hygiene are at risk of infection.

Intestinal diseases

Symptoms such as peeling of the eyelids often indicate that serious disturbances have occurred in the gastrointestinal tract. The following diseases of the digestive system can be the cause:

  1. gastritis;
  2. intestinal dysbiosis;
  3. chronic constipation;
  4. impaired absorption of food.

A factor influencing the formation of dry skin and redness around the eyes is poor nutrition, when a person abuses fatty and fried foods, eats food prepared in fast food. In this case, harmful carcinogens and toxins enter the body. They release toxic substances into the blood that cause skin allergies. The same manifestations are worrying if the diet lacks vitamins B and A, as well as due to dehydration.

Peeling skin on eyelids

Peeling of the eyelids in the lower and upper parts near the eyes often occurs in women who do not take care of the hygiene of the skin around the eyes before bed. Dermatologists advise using a special makeup remover and moisturizer that softens the skin and removes shadow and mascara particles without damaging the eyes. If this is the reason, then the irritation quickly passes. In other cases, when, in addition to slight peeling, severe itching and swelling appears, you should seek help from a clinic.


Under the eyes

The most common reason for flaking under the eyes is failure to follow a daily routine. After a sleepless night, the lower eyelids swell; gradually the swelling begins to subside, returning to normal. The thin epidermis near the eyes cracks, itches and peels. If the skin under the eyes is flaky and red, and small blisters have formed on it, then most likely it is blepharitis or atopic dermatitis. To confirm the disease, you should contact a dermatologist.

Treatment for peeling around the eyes

It is possible to determine what causes peeling of the skin around the eyes and begin treatment only after examination by a doctor and diagnosis. If you do not adhere to this rule, then instead of healing and solving the problem, the skin will begin to peel off more, and new complications will appear. What is suitable for one type of disease cannot be used to treat another. Antibiotics used during a staph infection can trigger allergies.

There are folk methods used for skin care, relieving inflammation, dryness, swelling, redness:

  1. chamomile decoction;
  2. decoction of string;
  3. calendula decoction;
  4. aloe juice;
  5. egg yolk;
  6. vegetable oil – sea buckthorn, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame or olive.

The disadvantage of these products is that they help if the skin peels slightly, the manifestations are temporary. It is useless to use them in the fight against bacterial infections, skin mites, and allergic irritations. Each disease has its own treatment strategy:

  1. Demodex is treated with sulfur ointment, which cannot damage the eyes, unlike sprays.
  2. Infectious diseases - antibiotic drugs.
  3. Allergy – elimination of the irritant, antihistamines.
  4. Intestinal diseases - taking probiotics, increasing the daily volume of fluid consumed.
  5. Hyperemia - by moisturizing the skin, prescribing medications that help normalize blood circulation.



Natalia, 45 years old I started itching a month ago, after using expensive cosmetics. I never thought that this could happen. The dermatologist at the clinic explained why the eyelids were peeling, advised me to throw away the eyelid cream, and prescribed an emollient anti-allergenic ointment. The peeling became less, but the redness went away only after a week.

Elena, 28 years old When the skin under her eyes turned red, she at first decided that it was a reaction to the cold weather. I tried to fight it by applying moisturizing baby cream, but the irritation did not go away. I went to the clinic to see a dermatologist. They took a test that showed that I have eyelash mites. She treated with sulfur ointment with antibiotics.

Tatyana, 36 years old After my family and I moved to the north, I suffer from an allergy to the cold. Every winter, my eyes hurt, water, and the skin around them peels. I save myself by simple rubbing with chamomile, compresses and masks with sea buckthorn oil. I do it in the morning, it lasts all day. I consulted with the doctor, he advised me to add antihistamines.

Flaky, dry skin is not just a cosmetic nuisance that can upset a person. The causes of excessive dryness and flaking of the epidermis often lie deeper than it seems at first glance.

Moisturizing the skin with cream, making masks, nourishing with serums is useful, and will help solve the problem for a while. But to prevent it from happening again, when similar symptoms appear, it is worth finding out the exact cause and eliminating it.


Peeling skin under the eyes: main reasons

One of the factors that directly affects the skin, including under the eyes, is insufficient fluid intake.

Most people do not think about how much clean water they drink per day. And, if at some point you calculate this amount, it is unlikely that you will get the 2.5 liters that your body needs so much.

The skin under the eyes is thin and sensitive - it quickly reacts to a lack of fluid with dryness and flaking. Moisturizing from the inside is no less, if not more, important than external moisturizers.

In addition, other factors, including those of pathological origin, can provoke peeling.


Allergic reaction

The skin under the eyes may peel along with other unpleasant symptoms - swelling, redness, itching. In this case, most likely the cause was an allergic reaction to any substances or their components.

An attempt to independently establish the cause can take a long time and, most likely, will not be successful.

In case of allergies, do not delay visiting a doctor.

An allergic reaction in the form of peeling can occur as a result of an insect bite or mechanical damage.


Unsuitable cosmetics

Lanolin, which is found in many cosmetics and is well-accepted by oily skin, easily causes peeling. Especially if the skin is very prone to dryness.

Addiction to cleansing masks and washing with ordinary toilet soap contribute to drying of the skin.


Improper skin care under the eyes

Makeup left on overnight can cause flaking under the eyes.

In addition, improper cleansing of the periorbital area with stretching of the skin does not contribute to its health, causing irritation and peeling.

Note! Eye cream applied incorrectly can cause the skin under the eyes to peel. Even the best product can cause wrinkles, swelling and flaking if used incorrectly.


Fungal infections

If we talk about pathological causes of skin peeling, one of the most common is seborrheic dermatitis, passing to the skin under the eyes from the scalp.

If the disease is not stopped at the initial stage, it will spread to the periorbital area and manifest itself with itching, peeling and irritation.

Some types of blepharitis may also appear as redness and peeling of the skin around the eyes, which is usually accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.


Adverse external factors

Cold wind, scorching sun or low temperatures become an irritating factor for the skin, and not only under the eyes.

After a wonderful vacation on a tropical beach, you can return home with very flaky skin under your eyes - sand and salt water also irritate and dry it out.



Abuse of tasty but unhealthy food also causes the skin under the eyes to become dry and begin to peel.

Fatty, spicy, salty foods, a lot of refined foods and canned goods from the store do not help saturate the epidermis with the necessary nutrients.

Eating such food can lead to the body being sorely lacking in vitamins.

The body first sends a small amount of vitamins from food to vital organs, so the skin becomes sluggish, lifeless and begins to peel off.


Eyelash mite

Another cause of peeling skin under the eyes is eyelash mites, which can stay in the body for a long time and not manifest themselves in any way.

When it is activated, not only dryness and flaking around the eyes are observed, but also the release of pus, loss of eyelashes, and tightness of the skin.

It is important to know! It is impossible to independently determine that the cause of peeling is a mite; this can only be done with the help of medical equipment.


If the skin under your eyes is peeling, you should not delay visiting an ophthalmologist. This symptom often accompanies serious illnesses.

In addition to these reasons, more serious internal disorders also contribute to peeling of the skin, including:

  1. Dysbacteriosis;
  2. Thyroid dysfunction. With this disease, not only does the skin under the eyes peel off, but its color also changes. With hypothyroidism, in addition to dryness, the skin acquires a yellowish tint;
  3. Intoxication of the body;
  4. Hormonal disorders;
  5. Infections and eye diseases (conjunctivitis, stye).

There are many reasons for peeling skin. If the situation does not improve within a short time, you do not need to solve the problem yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Treatment of dry and flaky skin depending on the cause

Depending on the severity of the causes of skin peeling, appropriate medications are selected.

If after a hot holiday, herbal lotions and additional hydration are sufficient, then for fungal infections, medications are required, including antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids.


What to do if peeling under the eyes is caused by allergies

Often allergic reactions are caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics and, in this case, it will be enough to stop using and actively use moisturizing masks for the dryness and flaking to go away.

Ordinary tap water can also cause an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to cleanse not with foams and cleansers, but with milk and makeup remover with cotton pads.

One of the manifestations of allergies is atopic dermatitis. In this case, take antihistamines, for example, Suprastin and Tavegil.


For external use to relieve symptoms of dermatitis, gels and ointments such as Lorizan and Sudocrem are used.

Sometimes flaky skin under the eyes is a reaction to medications taken. It is difficult to establish that it was the use of these drugs that caused the allergy.

If the cause of peeling has not been established for some time, you should visit an allergist.who will find out the cause and prescribe a course of antihistamines.


How to treat fungal skin lesions under the eyes

All fungal and similar infectious diseases, including conjunctivitis, blepharitis, aspergillosis, are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, which will intensify without proper treatment.

In addition to dryness and flaking, the symptoms of infections include:

  1. constant itching;
  2. redness of the corners of the eyes;
  3. eyelash loss.

In this situation, you should not delay your visit to the ophthalmologist. Usually, to treat such diseases, appropriate ointments based on copper or mercury are prescribed, and solutions of brilliant green and iodine are used.


In difficult cases, treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides is justified; a course of Itraconazole and Fluconazole is often prescribed.

Note! Drops prepared in pharmacies (eye drops “Amphotericin B”, “Levorin”) are highly effective in the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin of the eyelids.

Vitamin therapy for vitamin deficiency

The main enemies of dry skin around the eyes are vitamins A and E. You can buy individual vitamins in capsules at the pharmacy and add them when preparing masks.

The main therapy for vitamin deficiency will, of course, be taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

Vitamins "Aevit" have proven themselves to improve skin condition., although you can also purchase separate packages of vitamins A and E at the pharmacy and use them in the required dosage.


To solve the problem of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to review the daily diet and add to the menu:

  1. eggs;
  2. tomatoes;
  3. parsley (vitamin A);
  4. nuts;
  5. milk;
  6. vegetable oil (vitamin E);
  7. bananas;
  8. buckwheat;
  9. salmon (B vitamins);
  10. black currant;
  11. pepper;
  12. citrus fruits (vitamin C).

What to do if peeling occurs due to unfavorable external factors

If the cause of peeling is extreme weather conditions, scorching sun, sea water or unfavorable environmental conditions, If possible, it is necessary to try for the period of treatment of such weather conditions avoid and do not apply makeup while the skin is peeling.

It is better to cleanse with products that do not contain alcohol. For these purposes, use freshly brewed tea or chamomile decoction.


It is necessary to wipe the skin without rubbing or pressing. At the end of the procedure, be sure to moisturize with a suitable cream.

To eliminate peeling in such cases, you can use Advantan cream., which is a corticosteroid drug that relieves itching, irritation and inflammation of the skin.

How to treat eyelash mites

The eyelash mite, which is constantly present in the human microflora, begins to show vigorous activity and cause trouble only when metabolic processes are disrupted and immunity is reduced.

You cannot treat this type of disease on your own., since its causes lie much deeper and, trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the eye area, you can miss the time for the development of internal disorders, for example, gastrointestinal diseases, sinusitis, hormonal disorders.

It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist who will prescribe proper treatment, and will refer you for further diagnostics to suitable specialists.


Direct treatment of the periorbital area during this period involves cleansing with an alcohol solution of eucalyptus or calendula using disposable wipes.

After 10–15 minutes, a special cream or ointment (for example, Demalon) prescribed by a doctor is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

Traditional recipes for treating peeling skin under the eyes

If the peeling of the skin under the eyes is caused by not too serious reasons, folk remedies can cope with the unpleasant phenomenon.

To eliminate dryness and flaking, use masks, compresses, lotions and rubbing the skin with ice with the addition of herbs.


Compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs

Many herbs have miraculous properties that help not only eliminate flaking and dryness, but also tone the skin and give it freshness.

The table shows several recipes for preparing compresses.

Compress components How to cook Effect
Chamomile (1 tbsp), water (250 ml). Steam the dry herb with boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Keep the compress for 10 minutes, repeat morning and evening. Relieves peeling, irritation, soothes the skin.
Linden flowers (1/2 tbsp), water (250 ml). Pour boiling water over the flowers and let steep for 1 hour. Strain. Apply a compress to the eyelids for 10 minutes every other day. Eliminates skin dullness, gives it radiance and elasticity. The skin under the eyes stops peeling.
Parsley leaves (2 tbsp.). Grind the leaves in a blender to release the juice. Blot the discs and apply to the skin of the eyelids for no more than 10 minutes. Thanks to its rich composition, it actively restores the skin, relieves irritation, and improves blood circulation.

There are many plants and herbs that can help eliminate dryness and flaking; most of them can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected from your garden. Among such herbs are dandelion, coltsfoot, fennel, mint, and hops.


Lotions made from raw potatoes and cucumbers

Thanks to 3 quarters of a potato tuber consists of water, Potatoes are known not only for their whitening and toning properties for facial skin, but also as a means to eliminate dryness and combat peeling under the eyes.

Potatoes contain many vitamins, for example, a line of B vitamins, vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties, vitamin K, selenium and choline.

With a rich composition, compresses, masks and lotions made from potato juice are hypoallergenic and suitable for any skin type.

Lotions made from a mixture of raw potato and cucumber juices are effective for eliminating dryness.


Vegetables are grated, the juice is squeezed out, and mixed in equal proportions. The lotions are applied for 20-25 minutes; after removal, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with olive or any other vegetable oil.

Masks with various oils

Peeling of the skin under the eyes can be overcome by regularly making masks from olive or almond oils, intensively nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

To do this, you need to moisten gauze or a thick napkin in warm oil and apply it to the skin of the eyelids for 15 minutes. After the mask, wipe the skin with a piece of ice and apply a nourishing cream.

A similar mask can be made from jojoba oil or castor oil.


Prevention: to keep the skin under the eyes always healthy

To enjoy healthy skin and avoid dryness and flaking, just follow a few simple rules:

  1. Select eye cosmetics taking into account age and skin characteristics;
  2. Makeup applied in the morning should be removed in the evening;
  3. Be sure to nourish and moisturize the skin, use creams with a high SPF filter;
  4. After washing, do not wipe the skin with a hard towel, just blot it with a napkin;
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  6. Try not to eat fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  7. Quit nicotine and alcohol;
  8. Stick to a balanced menu, including fish, liver, eggs, and dairy products.

A healthy lifestyle contributes to good immunity, excellent health and skin condition, including under the eyes.


To do this, you don’t need much - good sleep, walks in the fresh air, lack of stress, regular eye rest when working at the computer and the use of high-quality decorative and care products.

Dryness and flaking, a feeling of tightness, and the inability to apply beautiful makeup can really fray your nerves.

If the situation has already occurred, measures should be taken immediately, and if you suspect that the cause of peeling is a disease, going to an ophthalmologist is the best solution to the problem.

This video will tell you what to do if the skin under your eyes is peeling and how to restore it:

From this video you will learn the reasons why your face may peel off: