Arar - juniper

This is a mountain cypress. It can be small and large.

It is somewhat hot and dry, and its berries are hot in the first degree, dry in the second.

Juniper warms, thins and expels winds. Its fruit also has an astringent property, but not as strong as in other parts of this tree.

Juniper is good for muscle tears.

Respiratory and chest organs.
It is good for chest pain and cough.

Nutritional organs.
Juniper cleanses; it opens blockages in the stomach and liver, and as a drink it is good for the stomach and helps against bloating in it.

Eruption organs.
Juniper drives urine and menstruation and helps well against “suffocation of the uterus” and pain in it.

It destroys the harm from reptile bites; fumigation with any of the two types of juniper and any part of it drives away reptiles.