
Avisan: a remedy for urinary tract spasms and renal colic

Avisan is a medicine that is used to treat urinary tract spasms and renal colic. It is produced in Russia by an unidentified company and in Ukraine by the Biostimulator company. Avisan belongs to a group of pharmacological drugs that can inhibit the formation of urinary stones and remove them from the body with urine.

The dosage form of Avisan is film-coated tablets, dosage - 50 mg. They contain a sum of substances obtained from the fruit of Ammi dentifrice. This is a plant from the umbrella family, which is known for its diuretic properties.

Indications for the use of Avisan include ureteral spasms and renal colic. However, it should be remembered that Avisan has contraindications for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. In some cases, dyspepsia may occur.

According to the literature, the interaction of Avisan with other drugs has not been described, and there is also no information about overdose and special instructions.

In general, Avisan is an effective remedy for spasms of the urinary tract and renal colic, but its use should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.