Arsenic poisoning is a serious condition caused by exposure of the human body to arsenic poison. Arsenic is a toxic substance that can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of human organs and systems, including the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Symptoms of arsenic poisoning resemble those of cholera and can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal and brain pain, dizziness, seizures and even loss of consciousness. If you suspect that someone has been poisoned by arsenic, call a doctor or ambulance immediately.
Your doctor may perform a gastric lavage to get rid of the poison. This is a procedure in which the contents of the stomach are removed through a tube inserted through the mouth or nose. The doctor may also prescribe an emetic to help get rid of the poison.
Besides medical care, there are certain steps you can take to help someone who has suffered from arsenic poisoning. It is important to remember that you should not give pure water, ammonia or acids, as they can enhance the effect of the poison.
In order to alleviate the condition of the victim, you can give him a lot of fats in liquid form, such as lard, butter or milk. It is also useful to give protein water - protein broken down in half a glass of water. To improve the condition, you can give magnesium - one and a half tablespoons per glass of water every 5 minutes, a teaspoon. It is good to place high enemas and hot bottles on your feet.
Although arsenic poisoning can be a dangerous condition, by promptly seeking medical help and properly caring for the victim, his condition can be significantly improved and his life saved. It is important to remember that any attempt to treat arsenic poisoning should only be done under the supervision of a physician.