
An arteriogram is a method of recording fluctuations in blood pressure created by a pulse wave.

There are two main ways to obtain an arteriogram:

  1. The direct method is to record the pressure directly inside the artery using a puncture needle.

  2. Indirect method - recording pressure fluctuations through a sensor located on the surface of the skin above the projection of the artery.

In both cases, the resulting signal can be recorded on paper tape using special devices or displayed on a monitor screen.

An arteriogram allows you to evaluate the characteristics of the pulse wave, which can change in various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Arteriogram waveform analysis is used to diagnose a number of cardiac pathologies.

Arteriogram: Pulsation recording and diagnostic tool

An arteriogram is a method of recording and analyzing fluctuations associated with the arterial pulse. This diagnostic tool allows you to obtain information about the characteristics of pulsations and identify abnormalities associated with certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

There are two main ways to obtain an arteriogram: direct and indirect. In the case of the direct method, the arteriogram is recorded by inserting an arterial puncture needle into the selected artery. Changes in blood pressure in this artery are recorded and converted into graphical form. The second method, indirect, is based on placing a sensor on the skin above the artery, which allows recording changes in pressure without direct intervention in the circulatory system.

Arteriogram results can be presented in various formats. In the past, the most common method was to record oscillations on paper tape, where the pulsation wave was depicted as a graph. With the development of modern technologies, arteriogram data can also be displayed on the screen of an oscilloscope or computer.

One important aspect of the arteriogram is the analysis of the pulsatility waveform. In a number of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the pulse wave takes on a characteristic shape, which may indicate the presence of pathological conditions. For example, changes in pulse waveform may indicate the presence of hypertension, arrhythmia, arterial stenosis, or other cardiovascular diseases.

An arteriogram is a useful tool for assessing the health of the heart and blood vessels. It can help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Based on the results of the arteriogram, doctors can make decisions about the need for additional examinations, treatment adjustments, or choosing the optimal strategy for caring for the patient.

In conclusion, arteriogram is an important tool for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. This method of recording pulsations allows doctors to obtain information about the shape of the pulse wave and identify deviations associated with specific pathologies. Modern technologies make it possible to more accurately and clearly present arteriogram data, which contributes to more accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Arteriogram plays an important role in the field of cardiology and helps improve the quality of healthcare for patients.

Fluctuations in the circulatory system are an integral part of our existence. They allow us to feel and maintain our vital body functions such as breathing, metabolism and circulation, and also provide electrical signals to our organs and systems. However, if these fluctuations are disrupted, this can lead to serious consequences. One such diagnostic method is an arteriogram.

An arteriogram is a recording of changes in blood pressure in the arteries that occur when the heart muscle contracts. These fluctuations are specific to various conditions of the cardiovascular system and are used to determine the presence of pathology.

During arteriography, the arterial pulse is recorded using