Artery of the Femur Deep

Artery of the Femur Profunda: An important vessel of the lower limb

The Deep Femoral Artery (also known as a. profunda femoris, pna, bna, jna) is one of the key vessels providing blood supply to the lower limb. It plays an important role in nourishing the thigh muscles and is responsible for ensuring sufficient blood flow to this region of the body.

Anatomically located deep inside the thigh, the femoral artery profunda originates from the external iliac artery, just below the inguinal symphysis. From here it flows downward and laterally, passing between the muscles of the thigh and providing branches that supply blood to the corresponding structures.

The Deep Femoral Artery is a large vessel, and its branches play an important role in the blood supply to the thigh. One of the main branches is the femoral branch, which arises from the deep femoral artery and goes downward, passing through the muscles of the thigh. It provides blood supply to the deep muscles of the thigh and surrounding tissues.

In addition, the femoral artery deep also gives branches that supply blood to the femur and hip joints. These branches play a key role in maintaining the health and vitality of these structures by providing them with sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

Pathologies associated with the deep femoral artery can have serious health consequences. For example, narrowing or complete closure of this artery can lead to ischemia, which leads to decreased blood supply to the muscles and other tissues of the thigh. This can cause painful symptoms such as muscle weakness, lameness, and even tissue necrosis.

Various methods can be used to diagnose and treat pathologies of the Femoral Deep Artery. For example, duplex scanning is used to visualize the artery and assess the degree of stenosis or closure. In some cases, surgery such as arterial bypass or angioplasty may be required to restore normal circulation.

The Deep Femoral Artery is an important vessel providing blood supply to the lower limb. Its role in nourishing thigh muscles and maintaining healthy joints and bones cannot be underestimated. Therefore, in case of any symptoms or pathologies associated with this femoral artery, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment. Regular screening and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help maintain normal femoral artery function and overall lower extremity health.