Artery Capsular Middle

Title: Arterial capsular environment

Description: Arteries are specialized vessels that transport blood from the heart to the tissues of the body. One of the most important arteries is the middle capsular artery, which is of particular importance in the human cardiovascular system. This article describes the function and structure of the arterial capsular environment.

Functions of the arterial capsule: _The arterial capsular environment plays an important role in the formation of the vascular network necessary for the normal functioning of the organs and tissues of the body. The function of the tunica arteriosus is to maintain the structure and function of the artery, as well as to protect it from mechanical stress and damage._

_The role of the arterial cap includes the formation and regeneration of the inner and outer membranes. One important component of the arterial tectum is the outer layer, known as the fibrous capsule, which protects the artery from mechanical damage. In addition, the outer fibrous covering helps anchor the artery to adjacent structures. The inner layer of the arterial tectum is formed by endothelial cells, which form a single layer similar to the interface of the inner surface of blood vessels. The functions of this layer are to create a smooth surface on the walls of the bloodstream to reduce the risk of damage and prevent the formation of blood clots. Also, endothelial cells can produce and secrete various growth factors and different types of molecules, which improves the integrity of the arterial wall._ _The key role of the arterial caps is also to protect the artery from infections and toxins. Many microorganisms and bacteria live in the bloodstream, posing a threat to human health. The outer fibrous layer of the capsule may form a barrier against infection, acting as a "filter" that traps bacteria and other microorganisms before they reach the artery walls._

The structure and composition of the lining of arterial vessels corresponds to the needs of the organism for which they were developed, that is, they are not homogeneous. They consist of various organs. The main substance of the shell is collagen, which is part of the fibrous layers. Another important component of the membrane is elastic tissue, consisting of bundles of adipocytes (labile and stable), which are highly flexible. Mechanosensitive fibers of connective tissue are located parallel to the axis of the artery and perceive the force of compression of the lumen of the vessel. This leads to weakening of the muscular components of the elastic tube and a decrease in blood flow due to decreased hemodynamic pressure.

_Among other things, the elasticity and firmness of the vascular wall depends on the presence of loose connective tissue and smooth muscle cells in it. Loose connective tissue contains a significant amount of elastic tissue fibers, the bundles of which are arranged radially