Artery, Circumflex Ilium, Superficial (A. Circumflexa Ilium Superficialis, Pna, Bna, Jna)

The superficial circumflex iliac artery (A. circulmflexa iium superficialis, PNA, BNA, JNA) is an artery in the pelvis that runs around the ilium. It is a branch of the internal iliac artery and provides blood supply to the muscles, skin and pelvic organs.

The superficial circumflex iliac artery has several names in different anatomical systems:

– In the international anatomical nomenclature (PNA) it is designated as “arteria circumflexa ilium superficialis”.
– According to the Bailey and Lovesok classification (BNA), it is called “arteria circulmplexa iilia superficialis”.
– According to the classification of John Hall (JNA), it is designated as “circulmflexus artery of the ilium, superficial.”

This artery is of great importance in medicine, since it can be damaged during operations on the pelvic organs or during injuries to the pelvic area. In addition, its disruption can lead to various diseases such as ischemia, gangrene and tissue necrosis. Therefore, it is important to know the anatomy and topography of this artery to ensure patient safety during surgery.

The superficial circumflex iliac artery, or circumflex iliac artery above the gluteus maximus muscle (a.circumflexaiium Supermicels), is an important bloodstream running along the lateral side of the ilium. It is a branch of the superficial obturator artery and passes just above the deep surface of the gluteal muscle. The circulatory artery is important in supplying blood to the pelvic organs (bladder, urethra, uterus, rectum) and hip joints.

The superficial circumflex iliac artery can be found on the femur, along the posterior edge of the femoral head and closer to the outer edge of the adductor magnus muscle. This artery has its branches, which run mostly along the muscles to receive nutrition for optimal growth and functioning of these muscles.

This artery is the first critical arterial branch of the vena cava, so any disruption or infection at this location can lead to serious problems, including bleeding and health complications.