Artery Main-Palatine

The sphenopalatine artery is a vessel that participates in the blood supply to the bones and organs of the head and neck. The article will discuss the anatomy of this artery, its importance for the body and the pathology that can occur when it is damaged or has insufficient blood supply.

Anatomy of the sphenopalatine artery

The sphenopalatine artery is one of the branches of the external carotid artery. It starts from the upper surface of the posterior edge of the body of the hyoid bone. Then it passes through the thickness of the transverse fascia of the neck and enters the base of the skull through an opening in the lateral wall of the base of the skull, which is called the oval window.

Along its path, the artery provides blood supply to the teeth, oral cavity, dura mater and upper part of the pharynx. It gives branches to the lacrimal glands, the outer parts of the nose, the lacrimal bone and the upper part of the skull.

The importance of the artery of the main palatine artery for the body

Blood, provide