
**Pyoperihepatitis** is a purulent inflammation of the connective tissue base of the liver and surrounding tissues. It is paradoxical that the appendix, an extension of the cecum, which normally becomes inflamed only if the outflow of bile is disrupted, is also affected. Due to the merger of acute appendicitis and perihepatitis, the concept of “atypical form of appendicitis” arose in medicine, which further emphasizes the uncertainty of the origin of the disease and also complicates its diagnosis.

Pathology occurs due to the accumulation of pus in the blood vessels of the liver and nearby lymph nodes or as a result of perforation of the appendix. Both conditions are accompanied by pain - localized in the right side or diffuse, radiating to the shoulder blade or other parts of the body. The resulting pus can be either local or spread throughout the body - which requires medical intervention. Sometimes hepatoprotectors with regenerating properties are added to the usual means of fighting inflammation.