Artery Supplying the Humerus (A. Nutriciae Humeri, Pna, Jna)

**The artery feeding the humerus** (a nutriciae hummae, anatomia plasticorum, abbreviated as APNAC; also known as a nutricinae hummicarum or a nutrientiae huminis) is the most important artery in the humeral girdle (humero sacrum) of the human body. This artery is responsible for feeding the circulatory system of the humerus bone, which is one of the largest bones of the arm and part of the humerus.

**Important features of the artery supplying the humerus:**

1. The area where the artery passes is located between the first and second costal spaces (intercostales 1st-2nd). 2. It passes through the shoulder joint (acromion), which serves as the main support for the anterior shoulder muscle (musculus triceps brachii). 3. In the anterior part of the humerus, the artery branches into two branches that pass to the head of the humerus and its proximal part (the joint capsule). 4. The first branch (artery of the head of the humerus) spreads along the surface of the head of the bone and supplies it with blood. 5. Second branch (