Artery Posterior

Artery retroauricular

**The retroauricular artery** is a branch of the external maxillary artery and passes under the skin behind the auricle. The superior labial artery and the ascending pharyngeal artery take part in the formation of the artery. The passage of the artery through the tissue of the temporal region is limited by the cervical vertebra, above which it is located in the muscle that strains the tympanic membrane (m. tensor tympani) along its posterior surface. The branches receive blood supply and innervation from the external maxillary, facial, occipital arteries and their branches.

The formation of the artery begins from the exit of the external maxillary (branch of the ascending pharyngeal) artery from its pharyngeal opening, passes along the outer surface of the hyoid bone and from this place continues along the retromolar groove in the subcutaneous tissue of the oral septum