Artery Gluteal Caudal

The word "gluteal" comes from the words "yago" - tail, soft place; and "-chesky" is a suffix with the meaning of attachment. "Caudal" is from the Latin meaning "tail" or "caudal", which may reflect the anatomical position of this artery.

The gluteal caudal artery (a. gluteae caudalis) is the largest pelvic artery on the side of the exit from the sexual minor. It is a continuation of the external iliac artery and begins at its source - the greater sebaceous artery along with the muscular aponeurotic band of the superficial transverse abdominal muscle. The artery then passes through the superficial fasciitis between the septum and the transverse muscular anterior recess and then exits the gluteal inguinal recess through the greater sciatic anterior meatus. Having reached the entrance to the femoral vagina due to the muscular buttock, the artery bends and bifurcates into the large buttock mass. One of the branches gives rise to the plantar region of the thigh. Tributaries: -branch of the internal iliac - branch of the superficial sacral - branch of the middle from the thigh subcutaneous - branch of the inferior branch with a tear

In the clinic, the operation takes place on the gluteal artery in severe forms, when matskva appears, a hardened lip appears

The gluteal caudal artery (lat. Gluteus caudlis) is a large artery in the craniosacral region, a branch of the external genital arteries.

The deep caudal artery (a. glutea caudaris, lat. a. glutae саudalis) is one of the large anastomotic branches of the pelvic arterial network. It emerges from the interpeduncular canal of the cranial digital branches and flows into the caudal artery of the posterior vena cava.

Gluteal artery - (aa. gluteae, Greek glúteos “buttock”, Latin auris “ear”), a large human artery connecting the aorta with the femoral artery. The artery emerges from the medial surface of the sacrum slightly lateral to the midline and passes between the superficial and deep sacral muscles. The branches of the artery are: pyriform artery, internal pudendal artery, lumbar artery, superior gluteal artery. The orifices of the internal and external iliac arteries are located slightly above the symphysis pubis.

A. Latarjet is used to classify the muscles of the buttocks and hip joints.

The abductor muscle, which serves to lateral rotate the thigh, relative to the pelvis;