Artery Pulmonary Right

The right pulmonary artery (a. pulmonalis dextra) is one of two arteries that supply blood to the right lung. It originates from the aortic arch and passes through the right atrium, then through the right ventricle, where it divides into two branches: the superior and inferior pulmonary arteries. The superior pulmonary artery continues its path through the lungs, where it branches into smaller arteries, which in turn supply oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and organs of the lung. The inferior pulmonary artery also branches into smaller arteries and supplies blood to the lower part of the lungs.

The right pulmonary artery plays an important role in breathing, as it is the main route for delivering blood to the lungs. It is also involved in regulating blood pressure and maintaining oxygen levels in the blood.

In case of damage or disease to the right pulmonary artery, this can lead to impaired circulation in the lungs and, as a result, to various diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of this artery and take measures to protect it and maintain normal functioning.