Arthrosis Generalized

Arthorosing gardenosis is a type of arthrosis associated with the formation of fibrous tissue in the joint capsule, which leads to their limitation and deformation. Basically, generalized arthrosis is diagnosed in men after 50 years of age, but currently the incidence has increased significantly among women.

If early stage arthrosis is not treated, the disease progresses. The final stage is manifested by severe deformities. The joints become very

Arthrosis is a chronic disease of the joints, which manifests itself in a decrease in their mobility and pain, as well as changes in shape and size. It can be caused by a number of factors, including mechanical damage, inflammatory processes and genetic predisposition.

Arthrosis of the generalized type (or arthrosis polyarthritis) is a more serious and progressive condition than ordinary arthrosis. It is characterized by the spread of the inflammation process to several joints at the same time, in contrast to traditional arthrosis, which affects only one joint.

Symptoms of generalized arthrosis include pain and swelling of the joints, localized in different parts of the body, and sometimes even in many joints at the same time. Patients may also show signs of inflammation, such as skin redness, localized warmth, and fever.

Generalized arthrosis can occur due to various factors, such as injury, prolonged standing or sitting, and overstrain of the joints. It can also run in families, increasing the risk of developing it in people with certain genetic mutations.

Treatment for generalized arthrosis may include medication, physical therapy, massage and surgery. However, the choice of a specific approach depends on the severity of symptoms and the stage of the disease. In any case, early detection and treatment can help prevent progression of the disease and reduce the risk of complications.