Heart murmur Functional

A functional heart murmur is a feature of the heart valve that may be associated with cardiac dysfunction in some cases. It is called functional because it is not associated with any specific heart disease or condition. But a heart murmur can be a sign of more serious health problems, so it's important to pay attention to any changes on echocardiography.

The mechanism of occurrence of a functional heart murmur is that against the background of changes in the structural structure of the walls of the heart, valves overlap. The legitimation of the morphological characteristics of the valve tract is explained by both hypoplasia (underdevelopment of the valve) and hypertrophy (thickening of the tissues).

According to the mechanism of development, functional noises are divided into stenotic and regurgitant, and according to the type of flow turbulence - low-frequency and high-frequency. Structural murmurs include muscle, chordal and valvular.

Taking into account these data, physiological and pathological