Ascitic Fluid

Ascitic fluid is one of the key symptoms of a number of diseases, such as oncology, tuberculosis, parasitic infestations and some other severe pathologies. In addition, this is an important diagnostic concept that helps determine the course of the process. In this article we will look at what ascitic fluid is, its characteristics, causes and treatment methods.

Ascitic fluid is a clear or slightly turbid, colorless serous fluid found in the patient's abdominal cavity. This symptom is one of the most common in oncology of internal organs, caused by an abscess, pneumonia, hepatitis and other pathologies. It belongs to the category of external signs and characterizes the severity of the disease. Often accompanied by pallor, changes in skin consistency, and intestinal sluggishness.

When ascites occurs, symptoms may vary, but the most common are:

- Constant dull or sharp pain in the right side of the abdomen. But in addition to this, the patient will also experience nausea, vomiting and constipation, dry mouth, and elevated body temperature. - Swelling of the arms and legs. When fluid accumulates in the cavities, the legs most often swell from the groin to the foot. Swelling may be diffuse and localized, visible under the skin and soft to the touch. If ascites is due to tuberculosis, then thrombosed areas of dilated veins of the abdominal cavity are often present. - Increase in abdominal circumference, appearance of redness at the navel. Due to the stretching of the peritoneal ligaments, the white stripe on the abdomen becomes less noticeable, the volume of the navel increases, and the abdomen begins to protrude forward. Protrusion of the umbilical ring is often observed. - Lack of appetite, rapid weight loss. This is due to the absorption of excess fluid in the intestines and the retention of nutrients.