Aspergillosis Skin Papillomatous-Verrucous

Skin papillomatous-verrucous aspergillosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cutis papillomatosa verrucosa aspergillosis (a. cutis papillomatosa verrucosa) is a rare type of fungal skin infection caused by the Aspergillus species. This infection manifests itself in the form of papillomas and warts on the skin, which can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.


Cutaneous aspergillosis papillomatous-verrucous is caused by the Aspergillus fungus, which can be found in soil, vegetation and air. Infection can occur through broken skin or by inhaling fungal spores. People with weakened immune systems, such as patients with HIV infection, chemotherapy or organ transplants, have an increased risk of infection.


Symptoms of skin papillomatous-verrucous aspergillosis include the appearance of papillomas and warts on the skin, which can be multiple and located in different parts of the body. They can be white, yellow or brown in color and have a rough or smooth surface. Sometimes papillomas and warts can bleed or cause itching.


Diagnosis of cutaneous papillomatous verrucous aspergillosis can be difficult as symptoms may be similar to other skin diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, the following studies may be performed:

  1. Skin biopsy: Taking a tissue sample to be examined under a microscope to determine the presence of a fungal infection.
  2. Culture: Growing fungi from skin samples.
  3. Histological examination: examination of tissues using special dyes to determine the presence of fungal hyphae.


Treatment of cutaneous papillomatous-verrucous aspergillosis involves the use of antifungal drugs such as itraconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B or fluconazole. Medications to strengthen the immune system may also be prescribed. In some cases, when papillomas and warts cause discomfort or bleed, they can be removed surgically.


Prevention of cutaneous papillomatous verrucous aspergillosis involves practicing hygiene measures such as regular hand washing and avoiding contact with soil or vegetation that may contain fungi. Inhaling dust and fungal spores should also be avoided, especially for people with weakened immune systems. Patients receiving chemotherapy or organ transplants must take precautions to protect their skin from infection.

In conclusion, cutaneous papillomatous verrucous aspergillosis is a rare but serious disease that can be caused by the Aspergillus fungus. Symptoms include the appearance of papillomas and warts on the skin, which can be diagnosed by skin biopsy, culture, or histological examination. Treatment includes the use of antifungal drugs and strengthening the immune system. Prevention includes maintaining good hygiene and precautions to protect the skin from infections. If you suspect cutaneous papillomatous verrucous aspergillosis, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Aspergillosis papilloma vericose is a serious skin disease caused by a fungal infection of the Aspergillus species. It is characterized by the appearance of pink papules, warts, erosions and ulcers on the skin, which can be painful and lead to itching, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.

**Cutaneous aspergillosis** is a fungal skin disease caused by the mold Aspergillus. Manifestations of the disease depend on the location and can be varied. Most often, limited papules, nodules, crusts, areas of baldness and other skin lesions are found. Like many other fungal diseases, aspergillosis is chronic. The disease manifests itself in recurrent episodes with periods of exacerbation