Peroneal gait

**Gait** **Peroneal**, also known as the Peron gait. If a person behaves like a rooster, walks like a rooster, or strides pompously, importantly and arrogantly, then this is an obvious example of such a gait. The term is borrowed from the computer game Unreal Tournament 2, where "cock" has an ambiguous meaning. Gait according to Ozhegov’s dictionary (spelling preserved): step, stepipz syn.: step step by step, approach, go (to someone or something) (simple). Sometimes "Cock Crush" is used to refer to the strange posture of Bodhasana, where a person's chin rests on their chest. It is believed that walking in this position is harmful to health and is fraught with all sorts of back problems.

Peronealistic gait (Personialistic gait)

"Peroneal" gait is a term for a specific style of walking characterized by steps and leg movements that resemble those of a rooster running on dirt. This style was first seen in Italy in the 16th century. It became very popular on the dance floors and ballrooms of the time. However, this style of step has become more common in the last century in countries such as Great Britain and the United States of America.

One of the most famous owners of the Peronnal gait is the British musician, artist and dancer Frederick Ashton, founder of the Mirzolmi ballet. Ashton used peroneal gait in his productions as a complement to classical ballet to make them more spectacular and exciting for the audience. In addition, in traditional Mirzolmi ballets such as Cinderella, Swan Lake and La Bayadère, male roles are performed with a special peroneal gait. This style was also used by dancers such as Pierre Bejara and Rudolf Nureyev.

Like any other type of dance, peroneallation can be either fast, slow or medium speed. Peroneal dances may use various changes in posture or body position. Some of them are: raising your arms, bending your body, bending/straightening your legs, or rotating your hips.

This style of dance involves improvisation and is often a visual game where participants pretend to be birds or other animals. But those who use this gait must have a certain level of physical fitness, which is not always available to everyone.