
Periarthritis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding a joint, including tendons and the bursa.

Typical symptoms of chronic periarthritis, which can develop spontaneously or as a result of joint injury, are pain and limited mobility in the shoulder joint.

Typically, local injections of steroids into the area of ​​inflammation or physical therapy are used to treat periarthritis. This helps reduce pain and restore function of the affected joint. In some cases, surgery may be required.

The causes of periarthritis may be associated with injury, joint overload, metabolic disorders or autoimmune diseases. For prevention, it is important to avoid excessive stress on the joint and, if pain occurs, consult a doctor promptly.

Periarthritis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding a joint, including tendons and the bursa.

Typical symptoms of chronic periarthritis, which can develop spontaneously or as a result of joint injury, are pain and limited mobility in the shoulder joint.

Chronic periarthritis is usually treated with local steroid injections or physical therapy. These methods help reduce inflammation and pain and restore joint mobility.

The reasons for the development of periarthritis can be different - from excessive stress on the joint to age-related changes or injuries. It is important to recognize symptoms promptly and begin treatment to prevent the development of a chronic process.

**Periarthritis** is an inflammatory disease of the soft tissues that surround the joint. It is very often accompanied by pain and limitations of movement. This disease leads to a decrease in the patient’s quality of life and occurs most often in people over the age of 50.

The disease begins with the appearance of pain in